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Short answer: Jacob worked 7 years for Laban before he married his two wives, Leah and Rachel.

Long answer: Jacob worked 7 years to pay Rachel's bride price, but his father-in-law Laban tricked him into sleeping with Rachel's older sister Leah instead.

When Jacob then confronted Laban about it (Genesis 29:25-27):

"...And he said to Laban, What is this you have done to me? Did I not serve with you for Rachel? Why then have you tricked me?

And Laban said, It must not be done so in our country, to give the younger before the first-born. Fulfill her week, and we will give you this one also for the service which you shall serve with me still another seven years."

So Laban basically told Jacob, "Finish your honeymoon with Leah, and then I'll give you Rachel also."

So the timeline was:

  1. Jacob is engaged to Rachel.
  2. Jacob serves Laban 7 years as her bride price.
  3. Laban tricks Jacob into marrying Leah instead.
  4. Jacob has a week-long honeymoon with Leah.
  5. Jacob marries Rachel, also.
  6. Jacob serves Laban another 7 years to pay for his second wife.
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9y ago
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8y ago

According to the Book of Genesis, Jacob waited seven years to marry Leah, and another seven years to marry Rachel. The mythological origins of this story can be seen in the names, with Leah meaning 'ewe' in Hebrew and Rachel having the meaning 'wild cow'. These were attributes of the goddess Asherah.

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14y ago

Yes. He had to wait 14 years total to marry Rachel due to Labans trickery.

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11y ago

7 years for leah and 7 for rachael

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Q: How many years did Jacob work for rachel?
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The man who deceived Jacob was Laban, his father-in-law. Laban tricked Jacob into marrying Leah instead of Rachel, whom Jacob loved. This deception led to Jacob having to work an additional seven years in order to marry Rachel.

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Jacob works for Laban for 14 years because he wants to marry Laban's daughter Rachel. Laban makes an agreement with Jacob that if he works for him for seven years, he can marry Rachel. However, Laban deceives Jacob by giving him Leah instead, so Jacob agrees to work another seven years in exchange for Rachel.

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Jacob's uncle was Laban. Laban tricked Jacob by giving him his older daughter Leah to marry instead of Rachel, whom Jacob loved. Jacob had to work an additional seven years to marry Rachel as well.

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In Genesis 29 you can read how Jacob was so in love with Rachel that he agreed with her father to work for him for 7 years before he (Jacob) married his daughter. When the 7 years was up there was a big party to celebrate. When it was dark the father gave Jacob his oldest daughter, Leah and Jacob slept with her. In the morning he saw he had been tricked and was outraged. The father explained it was not right to marry off the younger daughter before the older. So Jacob agreed to work another 7 years before he could marry his love, Rachel. Incidentally, if you take a bus tour from Jerusalem to Galilee the bus passes Rachel's tomb - it is right there, along side the road.

How did Laban trick Jacob into marrying Leah?

Laban tricked Jacob into marrying Leah by giving her to Jacob instead of Rachel on their wedding night, as Jacob had intended. Laban did this by having Leah wear a veil and keeping her identity hidden until the morning, when it was revealed to Jacob that he had married Leah instead of Rachel.

What was Rachels business in the bible?

Rachel is the daughter of Laban in the book of genesis.And she and her sister Leah both married Jacob. Laban tricked Joseph , he first made him work for seven years for Leah and then another seven years for Rachel.

How many years did Jacob have to work to find the girl he wanted?

14 years

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Jacob met and fell in love with Rachel by a well. He agreed to work for her father Laban for seven years in exchange for marrying Rachel, but Laban deceived him and gave him Rachel's sister Leah instead.

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AnswerIn Genesis chapter 28, Jacob is told that he can not marry any of the local people and must marry one of his uncle, Laban's two daughters, Rachel and Leah. In chapter 29, he meets Rachel and falls in love, but Laban tricks him into marrying Leah, but promises that Jacob can also marry Rachel if he works for Laban for seven years. Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah.

How many wives has Jacob in the Bible?

The wives of Jacob were Leah and Rachel. Later on Jacob was given Leah's handmaiden Zil'-pah which bore him two sons. Rachel also gave Jacob her handmaiden Bil-hah, who also bore Jacob two sons. Altogether Jacob had four wives. The scripture in which these can be found are Genesis chapter 29 through Genesis 30.

How long did Jacob live with laban?

According to Gensis 29:16-18,He worked 7 years for Rachel, and was deceived and was given Leah. After the wedding week with Leah, he got Rachel, in the promise of working another 7 years. The Bible tells that he stayed to work for Laben for additional years and grew rich from the herds. (God's blessings). Genesis 31:38 says "I have been with you for twenty years now. At this point Jacob was leaving.

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