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It nurtures it and helps it grow and develop

1 answer

The baby is carried in the uterus or womb.

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No. Nutures is a form of the verb to nurture. The rare adjective form is nurturingly.

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Earth can be described with action verbs such as sustains, nurtures, supports, and inhabits.

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The English equivalent of the sentence 'Quod me nutruit me destruit' is What nurtures me destroys me. In the word-by-word translation, the relative conjunction 'quod' means 'what'. The personal pronoun 'me' means 'me'. The verb 'nutruit' means '[he/she/it] nourishes, nurtures'. The verb 'destruit' means '[he/she/it] destroys'.

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South Philippine Adventist College's motto is 'The School That Nurtures Excellence'.

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This phrase means that hard work, effort, and persistence are key factors in achieving success in any endeavor. Diligence involves consistently putting in the necessary effort to reach a goal, which is often essential for achieving positive outcomes. Just like a mother nurtures her child to help them grow and succeed, diligence nurtures success.

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No. Male quolls have no part in helping to raise the young quolls. It is the female alone who nurtures and rears the joeys.

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Rain is the Water that falls from clouds, whether you are in Jamaica, the U.S., or Britain. It nurtures people and plants. There is no difference between rain in Jamaica and anywhere else.

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school refers to school of thought---a set of people practising a value system.

faith school is a culture of people that nurtures one value systemor another.

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The female reproductive system nurtures and protects developing embryos. The circulatory and endocrine systems also have a role in this nurture and protection.

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Because woman are nurtures, and forgive easily. Or answer #2 they are insecure and afraid of what happens out of the comfort zone of a steady on going relationship.

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Honestly, it varies from man to man but most African men in general like submissive women - nurtures who know how to maintain a home.

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it means that people only invented stuff because they needed something..... the mother, necessity, nurtures and gives birth to new inventions

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Nature nothing natural nothing negative just nature

Nothing about nature nor negative nor natural

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Like any other organism, cats also adapt to the environment around them. They survive by adapting to live in the area they are in.

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Of course. If wallaroos could not reproduce, there would be no wallaroos left. Wallaroos reproduce sexually and, being marsupials in the kangaroo family, the female nurtures the young joeys in her abdominal pouch.

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Yes ants are k-strategists. K-strategists have few offspring, have a long life span and nurtures its offspring. R- strategists in contrast have many offspring and do not nurture them.

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"Nurture" is either a noun or a verb: "Mothers' milk nurtures their infants" (verb, third person singular form); "Bring up your children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord" (noun).

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The dream reflects the dreamer's need for comfort and nurtures, perhaps including a longing to return to a time of innocent dependence, when parents took care of all problems and needs.

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MrsHoney is Matilda's kind-hearted teacher who recognizes her intelligence and nurtures her love for learning. She is portrayed as a caring and compassionate educator who ultimately helps Matilda to unlock her full potential.

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The uterus is the chamber that houses and nurtures the developing fetus during pregnancy. It provides the necessary environment for the fetus to grow and develop until it is ready for birth.

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Yes. During pregnancy, the fetus- which is a word for a baby that is not born yet- is inside its mother, in a special organ called the uterus. The uterus nurtures and protects the fetus until it is born.

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A light bulb emits light when switched on, while a pregnant woman carries and nurtures a developing fetus until childbirth.

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The two definitive characteristics that make the platypus a mammal are:

1. It nurtures its young on mothers' milk.

2. It has fur.

No other group of animals both these characteristics.

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It is wonderful to watch dogs nurture their young

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Yes, jaguars are known to be protective and attentive parents. The mother jaguar typically cares for and nurtures her cubs, teaching them hunting skills and how to survive in their habitat until they are old enough to fend for themselves.

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At GIIS Noida, children can begin their Montessori journey from the age of 2.5 years, offering them an enriching environment that nurtures curiosity, independence, and foundational learning during their early developmental stages.

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one organization that attends and nurtures dying patients through the use of music, in a practice they called music-thanatology by developer Therese Schroeder-Sheker. Practitioners in this program work to relieve suffering through music

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The word nurture is a noun as well as a verb; The nurture of children is a parents most important responsibility.

Another noun form is nurturer, one who nurtures.

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Mary's garden grows beautifully with a mix of care and attention. She ensures her plants receive sunlight, water, and the nutrients they need to thrive. With her green thumb, Mary nurtures her garden with love and patience to create a colorful and flourishing outdoor space.

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Jose Olvera is a masculine latin name used to describe the person who motivates almost everything I do. "Jose" originally means "God has been kind" in Hebrew, and this person is true to his name, as most everyone would find he is an excellent example of kind and self-less qualities. "Olvera" refers to an olive grove, such as the olives used to make oil that nurtures the body, much like this man nurtures others' souls and lives. This person is a positive influence on everyone who spends an entire day with him, through his sense of humor, honesty, humility, knowledge, and spirituality. Furthermore, he makes me grateful to be alive.

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The inner part of an ovary that contains an egg is called a follicle. The follicle is a structure within the ovary that nurtures and protects the developing egg until it is released during ovulation.

3 answers

The emerald opens and nurtures the heart and the heart chakra. The Inca worshiped the stone, and it has been honored in all major religions for its spiritual power and beauty. Emerald was considered a symbol of eternal life in ancient Egypt. Emerald was the favorite stone of Queen Cleopatra.

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Growing mushrooms and using the mycelium to nurture the soil which in-turn nurtures the mushrooms needed for it's environment. Every 7 years field burning will kill weeds and make the soil more fertile.

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It is equally balanced. The mother takes care of the child and nurtures him/her, while the father brings home money to allow the child to continue in his/her life. The mother also helps the child with emotional needs (usually) while the father helps the child learn about labor (usually)

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Because, while carnivorous and highly aggressive in nature, deer normally only feed on cold-blooded prey such as rattlesnakes and frogs. A young deer is warm-blooded, and so the deer usually doesn't see it fit to eat and instead nurtures it until it is mature.

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Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses's motto is 'Compassion. Commitment. Connection.'.

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Ajax, the have produced so many talents including the likes of Johan Cruyff, Dennis Berkhamp, Clarence Seedorf, Marco van basten, Patrick Kluivert and so much more. The Ajax youth system nurtures their young talents and they go on to be worldwide superstars.

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Feathers, beaks, and the ability to fly are characteristics that only birds possess.

5 answers

The term "Mother Nature" comes from the ancient belief that nature, like a mother, nurtures and sustains life on Earth. It signifies the idea that nature is caring, powerful, and essential for the well-being of all living things. The concept of Mother Nature has been present in various cultures and myths throughout history.

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The quokka is a mammal so, like other mammals, it nurtures its young on mothers' milk. The quokka joey receives this milk while still developing in its mother's pouch. The joey stays in the mother quokka's pouch for between 175 and 195 days. For awhile after it leaves, it will return to the security of the mother's pouch if it is scared or cold.

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Baby tigers, also called cubs, are born, when a female tiger mates with a male tiger.

The female tiger, which can also be called a tigress, gives birth to her cubs about 3 and a half months after mating.

She then nurtures and teaches her cubs until they are 17 to 24 months old, when they travel to find territories (homes) of their own.

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Yes, only if you try to relate it with actual law. That is, if you become involved and learn more about law and how it applies to everyday situations.

But in general, any field is good to enter law school, because each one brings new information and nurtures and allows law to prosper and to grow.

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The English equivalent of the Latin sentence 'Quod me nutrit me destruit' is the following: Whatever nourishes me destroys me. The word-by-word translation is as follows: 'quod' means 'what'; 'me' means 'me'; 'nutrit' means '[it] nourishes, nurtures'; 'destruit' means '[it] destroys'. And the pronunciation is the following: Kwohd may NOO-triht may DEH-stroo-iht.

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The snowman in "The Book Thief" serves as a symbol of hope, joy, and childhood innocence amidst the dark backdrop of World War II. It nurtures a sense of fleeting happiness and connection among Max, Liesel, and Rudy, providing a momentary escape from the harsh reality of their lives.

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I strive to live a life that aligns with my values, brings me joy and fulfillment, and nurtures my well-being. I make choices that support my personal growth, strengthen my relationships, and contribute positively to the world around me. It's important for me to lead a purposeful and meaningful life that reflects who I am.

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Constructive love is a form of love that nurtures growth, respect, and emotional well-being in relationships. It involves supporting, encouraging, and understanding a person's goals and aspirations while also providing constructive feedback and guidance when needed. Constructive love helps individuals become the best version of themselves while fostering a healthy and positive connection.

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Scout feels more at home in her father's world because he nurtures her individuality and treats her with respect and understanding, while Aunt Alexandra expects her to conform to traditional societal roles and expectations. Atticus values her curiosity and independence, making Scout feel accepted and appreciated for who she truly is.

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It's an old fashion custom carried into modern age to show their good intentions. It shows they are interested or, if they buy you flowers after you have been dating for some time it's to show they love and appreciate you. Consider yourself lucky!

2 answers