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Levitation as commonly portrayed in fiction or magic shows is not scientifically supported and is considered pseudoscience. In real-world terms, levitation of objects using magnetic fields (diamagnetic levitation) has been achieved in laboratory settings, but levitation of humans remains an unproven and unrealistic concept.

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Levitation as commonly portrayed in fiction or magic shows is not scientifically supported and is considered pseudoscience. In real-world terms, levitation of objects using magnetic fields (diamagnetic levitation) has been achieved in laboratory settings, but levitation of humans remains an unproven and unrealistic concept.

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Ok thats easy.Under the influence of an adequately strong magnetic field, the salt solution will have a slower rate of flow than the tap water

The hypothesis that salt solution has a lower flow rate than tap waterunder the influence of a magnetic field is proven to be true.

One of the demonstrations and possible applications of diamagnetism is in levitation. Diamagnetic materials can be levitated in a strong magnetic field when a state of equilibrium is achieved. The levitation of diamagnetic materials has been demonstrated in laboratories using pyrolytic graphite, water and even a live frog.

Tell me "Why" is it so..!!


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Be2- ion is diamagnetic because it has a completely filled electron configuration with all paired electrons, resulting in no unpaired electrons to exhibit paramagnetic behavior.

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