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The force between two magnets is a non-contact force known as a magnetic force. It can act at a distance without the need for physical contact between the magnets.

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The force between two magnets is a non-contact force known as a magnetic force. It can act at a distance without the need for physical contact between the magnets.

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The force between two magnets is primarily dependent on the strength of the magnets' magnetic fields, the distance between the magnets, and the orientation of the magnets. In general, the force increases with stronger magnetic fields and decreases with greater distance. The force is also influenced by the alignment of the magnetic poles.

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  1. The distance between the magnets: The force of magnets decreases as the distance between them increases.
  2. The size or strength of the magnets: Stronger magnets will have a larger magnetic force between them.
  3. The orientation of the magnets: The force between magnets is strongest when their poles are aligned and weakest when they are opposite.
  4. The magnetic properties of the materials: Different materials have varying magnetic permeabilities, affecting the strength of the magnetic force.
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Magnets always produce an electromagnetic force- between the similar ends of magnets it is electromagnetic repulsion.

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The magnetic force of attraction between two magnets decreases with distance. As the distance between the magnets increases, the strength of the magnetic force weakens. This relationship follows an inverse square law, meaning that the force decreases exponentially as the distance between the magnets increases.

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