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The Kinsey Scale measures sexual orientation on a continuum from exclusively heterosexual to exclusively homosexual, with varying degrees of bisexuality in between. It is used to understand and categorize an individual's sexual attraction and experiences.

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The Kinsey Scale measures sexual orientation on a continuum from exclusively heterosexual to exclusively homosexual, with varying degrees of bisexuality in between. It is used to understand and categorize an individual's sexual attraction and experiences.

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Homosexual: having a sexual attraction to persons of the same sex

Heterosexual: Sexually attracted to members of the opposite sex

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Yes, that's the usual term. heterosexual = straight homosexual = gay

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Not all men are homosexual. There are many men who are bisexual, homosexual, heterosexual, pan-sexual etc.

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When referring to a straight girl you mean that she is heterosexual. If she is not heterosexual she may be considered homosexual or bisexual.

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