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A linear function is increasing if it has a positive slope.

To find this easily, put the function into the form y=mx+b. If m is positive, the function is increasing. If m is negative, it is decreasing.

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A linear function is increasing if it has a positive slope.

To find this easily, put the function into the form y=mx+b. If m is positive, the function is increasing. If m is negative, it is decreasing.

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No a linear equation are not the same as a linear function. The linear function is written as Ax+By=C. The linear equation is f{x}=m+b.

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Assuming the domain is unbounded, the linear function continues to be a linear function to its end.

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No. An exponential function is not linear. A very easy way to understand what is and what is not a linear function is in the word, "linear function." A linear function, when graphed, must form a straight line.

P.S. The basic formula for any linear function is y=mx+b. No matter what number you put in for the m and b variables, you will always make a linear function.

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No a linear equation are not the same as a linear function. The linear function is written as Ax+By=C. The linear equation is f{x}=m+b.

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