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Permeability in science refers to the ability of a material to allow substances to pass through it, such as liquids or gases. It is often used to describe how easily fluids can flow through porous materials like rocks or soil. Permeability is an important property in disciplines like geology, environmental science, and engineering.

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Permeability in science refers to the ability of a material to allow substances to pass through it, such as liquids or gases. It is often used to describe how easily fluids can flow through porous materials like rocks or soil. Permeability is an important property in disciplines like geology, environmental science, and engineering.

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Permeability is the measure of the ability of a material to support the formation of a magnetic field within itself.(Degree of magnetization that a material obtains in response to an applied magnetic field.) It is represented by the Greek letter μ.

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Characteristic of a material that is full of tiny connected airspace that water can seep through.

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