


Albinism is a disorder of the melanin that causes a person to lack pigments. Someone with Albinism will have hair, skin, and eyes that are very pale in color.

500 Questions

Is albinism a recessive trait or dominant?

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Recessive. The trait will only show up if both parents have the gene recessively (aa). If the genetic make up is Aa or AA, there will be melanin production, meaning albinism is an aa gene only. Albinism is a recessive allele.

What prevention methods are there to avoid albinism?

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Genetic counseling is very important to prevent further occurrences of the condition.

Can albinism be cure?

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As of now, albinism cannot be cured.

This is because albinism is a hereditary disorder and the cause lies at the genetic level. To change the genetic code of each and every cell of the body is an impossible task. That is why, there is no cure for albinism yet but hopefully in the near future, scientists may be able to control the genetic make-up of an individual.

If Laurie has albinism but neither of her parents exhibits this inherited condition the trait must be?

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Recessive. This trait can skip generations, because it requires two recessive alleles (ex. aa vs Aa), and can be present in heterogeneous alleles (Aa) without showing a recessive phenotype.

Is chromosomal abnormality in albinism?

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yes it is. It affects chromosome 11.

Is albinism polygenic?

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What type of Albinism?

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Do albinos produce melanin?

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Where did albinism first appear?

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Albinism is a disorder characterized by the absence of pigment in the skin, hair, and eyes. It occurs when someone inherits a recessive gene allele. The term Albino, derived from Latin meaning white or blank, was coined in the 1600's by Balthazar Telez. The disorder is one of the oldest anomalies to exist in history. Telez originated the term while traveling in Africa and seeing African's that were without pigment.