

Buzz Aldrin

Edwin Eugene "Buzz" Aldrin, Jr. is an American astronaut who was the lunar module pilot on Apollo 11. He was the second person to set foot on the Moon, following mission commander Neil Armstrong.

500 Questions

Did Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin ride in Apollo 11?

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Yes, Neil Armstrong was the Commander of Apollo 11 and Buzz Aldrin was the Lunar Module Pilot.

What happened to Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin after they came back from the moon?

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They were quarantined and tested on for any unusual signs.

Were neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin in astudio or did they really go to the moon?

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Buzz Aldrin took a photo of the earth while he was on the moon. You can't take that photo on earth. They went to the moon.

Was Buzz Aldrin a Boy Scout?

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Buzz Aldrin was a Tenderfoot Scout.

Why are neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin such famous astronauts?

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They were the first on the moon

When did Buzz Aldrin leave high school?

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Buzz Aldrin left high school in 1951

What time did Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walk on the moon?

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Both walked on the moon at 2.56 U.T.C time.On July 21/7/1969.

When did Buzz Aldrin leave earth?

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He left the earth in the Apollo 11 on 16/7/1969.

Why did Buzz Aldrin wee in his space suit?

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Because he had to go... The A7L spacesuit was made specifically to support having to "wee"... In fact, Buzz Aldrin's famous Lunar Pee was live on Television as he descended the Eagle's ladder.

How many times has Buzz Aldrin been married?

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Buzz Aldrin was married three times with a divorce

What planes did buzz Aldrin fly in his whole life?

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The planes Edwin Aldrin flew were Jet planes, as he was a Air Force pilot for many years.

Is it ok for a girl to have a buzz cut?

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Yes its absolutely fine I have one and my boyfriend loves it

How much did buzz Aldrin make when he went to the moon?

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The astronauts are paid their regular salary, according to their rank in the Air Force orNavy. They do not get anything extra for their space travels.

How old was Buzz Aldrin on Apollo 11?

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Edwin Buzz Aldrin was 39 years old when he walked on the moon.