

Elk (Wapiti)

Also known as Wapiti, elk are the second-largest species of cervids in North America next to the moose. These hooved ruminant mammals are part of the montane regions of well-known national parks such as Yellowstone, and Banff National Park in Canada. Questions and answers about elk can be asked and answered here.

500 Questions

How big are elk?

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Elke Jeinsen is 5' 8 1/2".

When do elk rut?

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The rut typically begins in early September and runs into the first week of October or later, when rifle hunts begin in a few states. Elk Behavior: The early stages of the rut can be a wild time in the woods. Bulls are crazed, thinking only about breeding cows.

Are there elk in Oregon?

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Yes, not many though. Some are in the wild and others are on ranches.

What type of consumer is an elk?

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Elks are consumers.

Do foxes eat elks?

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If they found an already dead one - sure.

But they wouldn't be able to kill one on their own.

Are elk in England?

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Although they may be found in certain zoos, elk are not native to England and will not be found in the wild.

Elk died out in Britain around 2,500BC. However, since 2012 at Woodentop farm, near West Coker Elks are being reared in addition in Alladale Scotland attempts to bring Elks back to the wild in their nature reserve are underway

How do you prevent the elk cloner virus?

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The program with a personality

It will get on all your disks

It will infiltrate your chips

Yes it's Cloner!

It will stick to you like glue

It will modify RAM too

Send in the Cloner!

What eats elk in the tundra?

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wolvs, sometimes grizzly's, and people would kill an elk and eat it

nearly any smaller carnivore -scavengers like foxes, wolverines etc...- would eat one, only if the elk was already killed by something else

How are deer and a elk the same?

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the only thing similar about deer and moose are they both have antelors

Is the elk the largest animal in north America?

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No, the American Bison B. bison (buffalo) is the largest land animal in North America.

Do elk attack people?

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if a male elk starts attacking you, try to pock the elk eye, before that grab hold of the antlers with on hand and your legs so your other hand pocks the eye. But if a female attacks you, grab hold of the legs when it's kicking you, then kick the stomach. Usually males attack when someones harrasing it and females are less brave then the males but they attack if anyone comes close to their calf.

What are the differences between male and female elk?

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In most species of deer, only the male grows a yearly set of antlers, while the females have only stubs. However, "reindeer" (caribou), like the moose, occupy their own genus of the deer family and both genders have antlers. In the Scandinavian variety, older males lose their antlers earlier than young males (in December), and only females keep their antlers until summer. (This would mean Santa's reindeer are perpetually young, or female?)

When is breeding season for elk?

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moose mate in the winter. the males have a contest every november. the contest has 3 different events. one is who has the biggest horns, the 2nd is who is the funniest, and the 3rd is who is the strongest.

this is true! i have studied them and i watched them do these events!!!! it is very interesting to watch them mate though it is very weird. the babies are very cute and very strong!!!

How much food does a elk eat each day?

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one or two pounds of grain

How do you kill an elk on Wolfquest?

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Follow the elk symbol on your compass until you are in the area (you can see if you are in the area by pressing the "M" key). Once you are in the area, Press the "V" key. Wander around until you find a path of pink dots. Follow the dots and it should lead you to he herd. Approach the herd carefully, and decide what elk you want to go after before charging right into he herd.

Once you have selected the elk you want to hunt, carefully surround it and try to separate it from the herd. You may press shift to stalk it without is noticing you. (if you are hunting in a river, the elk will not notice you approach). You may now run up to the elk (press "Q" to run). Once you are close enough, there will be a red mark on the elk. Hit the spacebar to bite it. The higher your stamina is (the green bar), the longer you will be able to hold onto the elk. (although the longer you hold on, the more health you will use). If there is a carcass nearby, try to herd the elk toward it so you can stop and eat before you continue the hunt.

Keep following and biting it, you'll get it eventually. I hope i helped!

Is a elk a producer or a decomposer?

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Elks are consumers.

How much does an Irish elk weigh?

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Bull Elk (male elk) weigh around 700 lbs. and are 5 feet tall from the toe to the shoulder

Cow Elk (female elk) weigh around 500 lbs. and are 4 1/2 feet tall from the toe to the shoulder

Newborn Calves weigh about 35 lbs. at birth

What symbiotic relationship does flukes and elks have?

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A parasitic relationship. The fluke (if it is a blood fluke) takes needed nutrients from the elk's blood, which can harm the elk.

What is the french word for a female elk?

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it depends of what you are calling an elk.

In North America the species called "elk" is the Cervus canadensis, called in French the wapiti. Its female would be called 'un wapiti femelle'.

The moose (species' name Alces alces) is called 'elk' in Europe. It would be called 'un élan' in French ('un orignal' in Canadian French or to speak specifically of the North-American moose species) ; and the female is 'un élan femelle' or 'un orignal femelle'.

What is the name for a group of elks?

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A group of elks is called a gang of elks.

What herds of elk are in north America?

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i have no clue i live in Bismarck,nd and they live there for sure sory i couldn't help much because i have the same question.

Who was Black Elk?

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An native American who converted to being Christin

Do elk have young?

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of course, otherwise they would become extinct!

What is a elks scientific name?

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Cervus elaphus is the scientific name for the North American Elk.

How much space does a elk need?

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The average space needed for housing at least two adult deer is 15,000 square feet minimum. If additional deer are added a minimum of 3,000 feet per deer will be needed.