

Emily Dickinson

Emily Dickinson is a female American poet whose poems were unique to the era in which she wrote. She is considered one of the most original 19th Century poets.

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What was the competition question for dickinsons real deal today?

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I do not have that information. You may be able to find the competition question for Dickinson's Real Deal by visiting the show's official website or social media pages.

When did Emily Dickinson finally receive acclaim as a poet?

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Emily Dickinson received acclaim as a poet posthumously, after her death in 1886. Her work was published and gained recognition in the years following her passing, ultimately solidifying her reputation as one of America's most celebrated poets.

What is the message of the untitled poem by Emily Dickinson?

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The untitled poem by Emily Dickinson explores themes of nature, mortality, and the passage of time. The speaker reflects on the beauty of nature and the fleeting nature of life, suggesting that both are interconnected in the grand scheme of existence. Dickinson's poem invites readers to contemplate the cyclical nature of life and death, and to find solace in the enduring presence of nature amidst the transitory moments of human life.

What is meant by DB query about Rupert Brooke and Emily Dickinson?

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A DB query about Rupert Brooke and Emily Dickinson would involve retrieving information from a database related to these two poets. This could include details such as their biographies, literary works, publication history, and any relevant connections between them. The query would specify the information needed and the criteria for retrieval.

How did Emily Dickinson live her life upstairs in her fathers house?

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Emily Dickinson lived a reclusive life in her father's house in Amherst, Massachusetts. She spent most of her time writing poetry, communicating with friends and family through letters, and tending her garden. She rarely left the house or had visitors, leading to her reputation as a recluse.

Why do you think Emily Dickinson did not seek publication more actively?

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Emily Dickinson was notoriously private and preferred to maintain control over her work. She may have also been discouraged by the barriers women faced in the publishing world during her time. Additionally, she found solace and freedom in her solitude, allowing her to express herself without the constraints of societal expectations.

What is unique about the house in which Emily Dickinson was born?

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The house in which Emily Dickinson was born, located in Amherst, Massachusetts, is unique for its historical significance as the birthplace of one of America's most renowned poets. The house is now a museum, offering visitors a glimpse into the poet's early life and surroundings that influenced her work. It provides an intimate look at Dickinson's upbringing and the environment that shaped her literary talents.

What is the poetic meter for it was not death for I stood up by Emily Dickinson?

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The poetic meter for "It was not death, for I stood up" by Emily Dickinson is iambic tetrameter with a rhyme scheme of ABCBDEFED. This means each line has four iambs (unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable) and there is a pattern of rhyming within the poem.

Did Emily get any Literary Achievements?

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Yes, Emily Dickinson's literary achievements include being recognized as one of the most important American poets of the 19th century for her innovative use of language, unique style, and exploration of themes such as nature, mortality, and the self. Her works have had a lasting impact on poetry and continue to be studied and celebrated today.

WHY DID Emily Dickinson write the poem sleep?

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Emily Dickinson likely wrote the poem "Sleep" to explore themes of peace, rest, and tranquility. The poem reflects her interest in nature and the human experience, as well as her introspective and contemplative style of writing.

Why is it important that the word stone be emphasized in the soul selects her own society?

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Emphasizing the word "stone" in "The Soul selects her own Society" by Emily Dickinson highlights the idea of resilience and strength. Stones are enduring and unchanging, symbolizing the soul's ability to stand firm in its choices despite outside influences. This emphasis underscores the poem's theme of individuality and the soul's power to select its own companions.

When was Emily Dickinson diagnosed with nephritis?

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Emily Dickinson was not diagnosed with nephritis. She suffered from various health issues throughout her life, including severe eye inflammation and possible kidney disease, but there is no record of a specific diagnosis of nephritis.

What does surgeons must be very careful mean Emily dickinson?

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This phrase from Emily Dickinson's poetry likely suggests the precision and diligence required in surgery, emphasizing the grave responsibility of a surgeon to handle delicate life and death situations with meticulous care. It underscores the need for caution and expertise in the operating room to ensure successful outcomes and avoid harm to patients.

Why didn't Emily name her poems?

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Emily Dickinson did not title her poems because she believed that the poem's words should speak for themselves without the need for a label or title. This decision also allowed for multiple interpretations and a focus on the essence of the poem rather than a predetermined title influencing the reader's perception.

Why did Emily Dickinson use the dash?

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Emily Dickinson often used dashes in her poetry to create pauses, convey a sense of urgency or intensity, and to emphasize certain words or phrases. The dashes can also indicate a shift in thought or highlight unexpected connections within her poems.

How much did Emily Dickinson earn?

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Emily Dickinson did not earn a significant income from her poetry during her lifetime. She lived as a recluse and did not actively seek out publication or financial gain from her work. Her poems were discovered and published posthumously, bringing her recognition and acclaim after her death.

What is one reason that Emily Dickinson can be considered a Romantic writer?

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* Emily Dickinson contributed to American literature by her astonishing writings, which were quite original. In addition, she contributed through the usage of metaphors in her poems. And she inspired women in the time when women really needed some inspiration. * She served as an inspiration to poets for generations to come. She was also one of America's early female poets, allowing females to get into the literary world.

* She is one of the greatest -- if not THE greatest -- American poet of all time. I agree with Harold Bloom that she and Walt Whitman are the most important and influential.

* When she was alive, Emily Dickinson's poetry was not that well known. Only a few of these poems were actually published during her lifetime.

* Emily Dickinson served as an inspiration to poets for generations to come. She was also one of America's early female poets.

* She was perhaps the leading woman poet of her time. == ==

What is the meaning of the poem pink - small - and - punctual written by Emilly Dickinson?

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The poem "pink – small – and punctual" by Emily Dickinson describes a flower, often interpreted as a morning glory. The poem captures the beauty and delicate nature of the flower, with the use of vivid imagery and precise language typical of Dickinson's style. Overall, the poem emphasizes the simple yet profound beauty found in nature.

Was Emily Dickinson the oldest youngest or middle child?

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Emily Dickinson was the middle child in her family, with an older brother named Austin and a younger sister named Lavinia.

Which event from Emily Dickinson's life greatly affected her poetry?

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The death of her close friend, Charles Wadsworth, was a significant event that deeply influenced Emily Dickinson's poetry. This loss led her to explore themes of death, grief, and the afterlife in her work.

What does Polynesia look like?

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Polynesia is a region in the Pacific Ocean consisting of over 1,000 islands scattered across the central and southern Pacific. These islands are known for their stunning natural beauty, featuring lush landscapes, pristine beaches, and crystal-clear waters. Polynesia is also home to unique cultural traditions, vibrant arts, and warm hospitality.

What does hope sustains life mean?

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"Hope sustains life" refers to the idea that having optimism and belief in positive outcomes can provide the strength and motivation needed to overcome challenges and continue moving forward in the face of adversity. Hope acts as a guiding force that enables individuals to persevere through difficult circumstances and maintain a sense of purpose and direction in life.

Why did Emily attend college?

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Emily attended college to further her education, gain knowledge and skills in a specific field, and to increase her career opportunities and potential for advancement in the future.

What breed of dog did Emily Dickinson have?

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Emily Dickinson had a Newfoundland dog named Carlo.

What literary element is used in the following example The Soul Selects her own Society?

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The use of personification. The soul is being given the human ability to select or choose her own society, which is not a literal action a soul can take.