

Mammoth Cave National Park

Mammoth Cave is the largest cave system in the world. Located in Kentucky, Mammoth Cave National Park was established in 1841.

500 Questions

When was Elasmia cave created?

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Elasmia cave was created in 2011.

Is the Mammoth Cave made by weathering?

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It is made by water erosion as it passes through the limestone..

What are the adaptations of a mammoth?

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10cm of blubber for warmth

bent tusks to act as a snow plow

small ears to keep in heat

thick layer of fur or warmth

new veins to stop blood from freezing

ridged bumpy teeth to eat frozen vegetation

The discovery of the Blombos cave suggests?

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That abstract thought in humans occurred much earlier than once thought.

Are there any gemstones in Mammoth Cave?

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Probably not! I can't speak for specific caves but as a general rule caves in limestone are not gem-stone mineral sources.

It's important too, to differentiate between gem-stones and gem-stone minerals, because the former are simply high-enough quality specimens of the minerals to yield cut ornaments.

That's not to dismiss it entirely: caves formed in marble may hold gem-stone minerals (not the same as gem-stones) if the passages have cut into igneous dykes or been affected by later hydrothermal activity.

There is also the point that you never remove any of a cave's natural contents except in 3 situations: 1) "digging", i.e. clearing silt or boulder obstacles to discover where the passage leads; 2) minimum-size samples for genuine laboratory analysis; or 3) for proper preservation and display when the cave is being destroyed by quarrying or civil-engineering.

So even if the cave holds "gem" minerals... you don't touch 'em!

When was Cave of Echoes created?

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Cave of Echoes was created on 1996-06-07.

What happend to the Hogup Cave in 1970?

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Apparently it was destroyed by vandals.

Why did cave dwellers draw?

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cave dwellers draw on walls because the draw what is important to them

Can you have facts about Mammoth Cave?

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Mammoth Cave has over 390 miles of passageways.

Mammoth Cave National park covers 52,385 acres.

Mammoth Cave was once used as a tuberculosis hospital.

Mammoth Cave receives over 500,000 visitors each year.

What type of cave is Mammoth Cave?

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it is a 'karst' cave, i.e. formed by the action of water on limestone.

When was Furong Cave created?

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Furong Cave was created in 1993.