

Micro Economics

Micro Economics is the branch of Economics which analyses the market behavior of individual consumers and firms. It focuses on the patterns of supply and demand and price and output determination in the individual markets.

500 Questions

What are the types of microeconomic?

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Asked by Wiki User

Micro means a small part . Microeconomec thus denete the study of small individual . Microecomomic can be divided into three major types they are as fallow:

1. Simpke Micro statics:- Simple micro stastic analysis studies a set of micro-economic variable and their relation when they are in equilibrium at a given point of a time. It does not explain how the equilibrium has been brought .

Equilibrium position is attained when demand and supply forces to equal to each other but simple micro stastics can be

What are the components of microeconomics?

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Asked by Wiki User

employment and unemployment