

Microsoft PowerPoint

PowerPoint is a commercial presentation program developed by Microsoft. This proprietary software is part of the Microsoft Office suite, and runs on Apple’s Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows operating systems.

500 Questions

How can you relax for a presentation?

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Asked by Wiki User

The night before have a light dinner and chill out in comfy clothes (we suggest slippers). Have a wholesome breakfast and remind yourself that you're prepared (of course, make sure that you are!)

How do you play a PowerPoint?

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Asked by Wiki User

1. You can make some settings in PowerPoint: * open PowerPoint and go to the first slide; * go to Animation->Transition of This Slides-> Advanced slides; * you can see "Automatically After" here, key the number of how many seconds you want the slide lasts; * click "Apply To All" at the left slide, * click the Click the Office button in the top left corner of the PowerPoint screen and choose Save As. A dialog box will appear. * choose the "PowerPoint Slideshow",and click Ok. Then, you can view the PowerPoint like viewing movie. 2. You can also view the presentation without PowerPoint by converting it to Flash, then the presentation can be played on browser or Flash player,just really like video.You can see more details in this site(

How many placeholders are there in the blank title slide?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are two on a standard title slide. One is for the main title and one for the subtitle. You can also have a title only slide, which has just one placeholder.

What Ribbon would you select to create WordArt?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is in the Text Group on the Insert Tab of the Ribbon. You can also apply WordArt styles using the Format options in the Drawing Tools.

What are the advantages of using electronic presentation over manual presentation?

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Asked by Wiki User

  • Limit the words, otherwise clutter with be off putting
  • Make sure you understand the slides before presenting otherwise you may rush
  • Make sure the background and text are clear to the audience
  • Obviously with technology thing can go wrong such as computers/usb losing data

What is it called when you add a pattern and texture to a background?

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Asked by Wiki User

Go into the designs tab, on the far right corner under the group "background", click "background styles". then under the different choices of backgrounds, there is a button that says "format background". When it opens up, you will be in the Fill Effects menu, that's where you can add pattern and texture to your background.

What is the view used to make a presentation?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can use the various styles and layouts. These can make your presentation look pretty.

What button deletes text in PowerPoint?

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Asked by Wiki User

Select the word and press either backspace or the left-arrow.

What is a button is one in which you can click the button once to turn it on and click it again to turn it off in Powerpoint?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is a Toggle button. Examples would be the Bold, Italics and Underline buttons. The Show and Hide Formatting button would be another example.

What is the use of PowerPoint?

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Asked by Wiki User

You would use a PowerPoint presentation because if you were in high school for instance, you do a lot of presentating. If you were a video game creator or something, you would have to show show things would work. Or maybe other stuff. And if you need this answer for your homework or something, put this in your own words because my explaining sucks.

What is the meaning of outline view PowerPoint?

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Asked by Wiki User

I'm guessing that this is an assignment of yours. it is an outline of the slides of your presentation. as a school assignment it's used to show that you've put thought into the planning and organization of your presentation.

outline the topics and brief details covered in each slide of your presentation, in order.

What is the Title and Content Slide in PowerPoint?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Title Slide is the slide where you put the Title of the PowerPoint so that others know what the slide is about.

The Content Slide is the slide where you put words and/or a picture. You can put both but they cannot be in the same box.

Title boxes at the top of content slides tell you what the slide is about.

When was Our Feature Presentation created?

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Asked by Wiki User

Our Feature Presentation was created in 2008.

How do you save a PowerPoint as a PowerPoint show?

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Asked by Wiki User

Go to File--> Save as...

when the Save As dialog opens -

1. choose a folder

2. write the file name

3. in the 'Save as Type' list - choose 'Power Point Show - PPS'

(in PowerPoint 2010/2007 it is called 'Power Point Show - PPSX')

Why should you learn how to use Microsoft power point?

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Asked by Wiki User

PowerPoint presentation has become a standard format for audio-visual presentations, the slide shows are used to communicate the ideas that you want to speak about. In spite of it importance, sometimes we don't have enough time to make a good PowerPoint presentation, that really can help us