

Nose Bleeds

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500 Questions

Do nose bleeds have anything to do with having a cold or flu?

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it can. If your sick sometimes your nasal passages get to dry, and that can cause them to bleed. Use saline nasal spray and see if it improves.

What causes nose bleeds while bending over?

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Positional bleeding may be caused by a weak capillary wall within the nose or nasal sinus. This can be due to a number of factors related to injury, dryness, or high blood pressure. Sometimes these are exacerbated by diet or exercise. Your medical professional can diagnose these conditions and possibly treat them - damaged blood vessels can often be cauterized to create a tougher vessel wall.

What happens if you have a nose bleed and throw up?

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If you throw up often, the acid from your stomach can cause your esophagus to bleed. This is common with people who are bulimic.
You can also have an ulcer or blood blisters which bursts. That is usually alcoholics who gets it.

Why does your nose bleed so much?

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The drier the air, the more likely it is that your nose may bleed. A humidifier, plus vaseline applied at night, works wonders.

Why does my nose bleed randomly?

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Nose bleeding is the result of blood vessels that have collapsed within your nose. Common causes include: nose picking, becoming very excited and certain illegal drugs.

While there are a lot of reasons a person may have random nose bleeds, people with bleeding disorders can often get nose bleeds for no obvious reason. Frequent nose bleeds might be something to discuss with your doctor, especially if you tend to get bruises often. One of the symptoms of von Willebrand's can be spontaneous soft tissue and/or mucus membrane bleeds. While many different bleeding disorders can cause similar events, the disorder named von Willebrand's Disease is actually very common and under-diagnosed.

Many females get unnecessary hysterectomies because they were never appropriately diagnosed and thus never knew the simple ways they could treat the condition. Not knowing that a person has a mild bleeding disorder can also leed to many complications if the person has surgery or gets in an accident.

What area of the body bleeds the heaviest when cut?

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You should see a doctor. You might need stitches.

What could be the cause of severe nose bleeds followed by headaches that are on one side of your head behind your eye and down the one side of your neck?

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mostly stress...things like that happen to me (the headache part) you could be very got up to quikly not enough could be your body trying to tell you go see a docter

Can high blood pressure make your nose bleed?

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In the back of the eye ball there are blood vessels. These blood vessels are quite fragile. If the blood pressure is very high, it can result in these blood vessels rupturing so that small amounts of bleeding takes place. This process can result in partial or even complete blindness.

Does alcohol contribute to nosebleeds?

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Alcohol won't cause a nosebleed, but since it can be a blood thinner, it will make your nose bleed more severely if you do get one.

What does it mean if you have chronic nose bleeds everyday?

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Asked by TaneesaTuskangp0198

no. its just a nosebleed nothing to worry about

If the bleeding continues, yes, you should see a doctor or visit the emergency room. Even if it stop, it would be good to mention it at the next doctor's visit. It could be an indication of other issues, such as high blood pressure.

Girl bleeds when you finger her?

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If she bleeds, try a different orifice. The eye might not be the right one for you. I would suggest a different route to orgasm. Perhaps the vagina. If that's too conventional for you, perhaps you can suggest extensive surgery to make a completely new hole for you to play with.

Is it common for one to get nose bleeds after a concussion?

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It is not common and may be a sign of a skull fracture. Go to the ER immediately. ____________________________________________________________________ Well I had a concussion today and about 10 minutes after had a pretty bad nose bleed. Now, later the same night im fine. I doubt I have any skull fractures, I think I would feel that..

Why does your son nose bleed all the time?

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In little kids, the biggest reason is that they pick their noses. They irritate the mucous membranes, they scab or start to heal, the kids pick at them again, an there you have a nosebleed. Adults often get nosebleeds in dry climates because they have larger vessels near the surface and when it dries out the tissue forms little cracks and they have a nosebleed. Sometimes, though, they can be frequent or serioius enough that cauterization of the vessel may be necessary to prevent further bleeding. This happened to me after I had been on oxygen for a while and my airway was really dried out - no fun, but it really got bad. Unfortunately, there are some serious medical conditions that can cause frequent nosebleeds, so you can't just ignore it. If it happens a few times, and the usual causes explain it, you can probably just treat it and relax, but if it continues, you need to see a medical practitioner who can take a good hitory of the nosebleeds, do a good physical, and perhaps order tests to rule out the bad things. Better to know and have your son treated than to fret and worry and have him get worse. If you don't know how to treat a nosebleed, there are several good sites on First Aid that are easily found on most search engines. Most of their information is copyrighted, so I can't copy it here. Good luck.

Why does holding your breath cause a nose bleed?

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Yes I did it in the shower once and it happened and then I googled it and but it said if you hold it for a long time UNDERWATER so I hope that helpful

Why does the nose bleed if you hit your head?

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the nose should not bleed if the back (occipital region) of the head is struck. If this occurs after a blow to the rear of the head, it could indicate a more serious, internal injury may have occurred (possibly a skull fracture). If the individual lost consciousness during the event, that too is an indication that there could be more serious internal injuries. The nose usually bleeds after a direct blow, dried mucous membranes, or in some circumstances high blood pressure.

Is it normal to notice large blood clots when you experience a nose bleed?

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I would like to know the answer to this question also. I had a very large blood clot that I pulled from my left nostril. Only one nostril was bleeding and stopped soon after.

my kids have the same problem. i don't see any answers posted. this must be fairly common if there are multiple posts.

When your nose bleeds, The blood cloting is what eventually stops the bleeding. I am not a doctor but It seems logical that you would see blood clots if you did'nt allow the clot to stabalize and harden before blowing/picking your nose.


This can be caused by the blood congealing in your nasal carriageway and coming out in clots. But see your doctor if its concerning you.

When you smoke do you bleed from your nose?

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Well, typically smoke doesn't come out of your nose, so if smoke does come out of your nose, I suggest finding a fire extinguisher.

Why is your son having so many nose bleeds?

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This is a common problem for teenage boys. They grow out of it. The nose is sensitive to many different changes, including temperature and blood sugar levels.

How do you make your nose bleed?

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I know this question very well. It is simple. Take a tissue, (toilet paper or wipe will work), and pinch it on your nose. Lean forward and wait. Warning: DO NOT look upwards. After a while it will stop. Wait about 5 minutes I'm guessing. Hope that helps your nose.

Does naproxin thin your blood and cause nose bleeds?

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Yes, naproxen can thin blood and should not be used in conjunction with other blood thinners.

In the case of menstrual bleeding, taking naproxen during menstruation could cause heavy bleeding.

How long after you have a misscariage do you start to bleed?

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It really does vary - sone women will have spotting for a few days, others have no warning at all. But spotting isn't necessarily a sign of imminent miscarriage, it's quite common especially in early pregnancy. If you're worried, see a doctor.

Can Straterra cause nose bleeds?

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I am a 23 year old female. I used to have heavy nosebleeds almost daily as a pre-teen, but they stopped completely by the time I was 12. I've been on 40mg of Strattera daily for four months and experienced my first nosebleed in over 10 years about two weeks ago. I've noticed that Strattera leaves my nose and sinuses feeling really dry. In fact, Strattera doubled as a cold medicine for me when I was sick last month. It completely knocked out my sinus drainage and runny nose.

My son is 12 and has been on strattera since mid February 2003. He has also experienced frequent and often heavy nosebleeds within the last 9 months, at one point I had to take him to the emergency room because I could not get it stopped. I called Ely-Lilly to see if they had any info. There clinical studies show a slight increase in both systolic and distolyc blood pressure but nothing about bleeding disorders. I was beginning to think he may be an isolated case but I happened upon this while I was researching my son's nosebleeds. I found in other websites that vitamin K deficiency can also cause nosebleeds. I wonder if the nosebleeds are a side effect or if the Strattera could be causing a vitamin K deficiency.

I recently started taking Strattera and coincidently am struggling with painful/dry tissue inside my nose. I can't even breath through my nose without stinging that is severe enough that my eyes water. A bloody nose can't be far behind. It's definitely not allergies, Strattera is the only thing that's has been added to the equation. If I find anything out I'll add it here and would appreciate any additional thoughts.

contact Lilly or the FDA and report these effects. It is no coincidence that you all are experiencing the same problems.

I have been taking 60mg for 2 weeks and my nose is numb, dry, stinging and bleeding. My doctor reduced my dose to 40mg and I have not noticed any change in symptoms.

My son has been on 40mg of Staterra for 1 year. Lately he has experienced nose bleeds quite frequently. He has never had them before, so I'm sure that the drug has something to do with it. It is something to keep an eye on. Lilly is not going to tell people about all side effects, it is too new of a drug.

This is a great question. My daughter has been on Strattera for about a year now, 25mg. and she has had many nose bleeds. So much that I took her to the doctor out of concern. He thought it was due to the winter weather but after reading some of these postings,I am convinced that Straterra is the link for these bleeds. I had a feeling that the drug was the cause but could not find anything that noted "nosebleeds" as a side effect. I hope that more people will report this to Lily and their physicians so that maybe they will do some research and eventually list it as a side effect, or perhaps that Straterra may cause some sort of Vitamin K deficiency.

Our son is 5 years old and has taken Strattera for about 3 weeks and ,yes, the nosebleeds have begun to occure on a regular basis. I must say it has worked very well to control his behavior problems but it is definitely the source of the nosebleeds. He never had them before.

My 15yr old son started taking Stratera in 2/04. He's had nose bleeds off and on most of his life, but since February, they have gotten really bad. Last night he even had a giant blood clot come out of his nose, which is why I'm on the internet today reading about nose bleeds. He's even had up to 3 nose bleeds in one day. A recent blood test also showed that he is now slightly enemic.

Currently I am answering this question with a tissue shoved up my nose to try to stop the bleeding. I've had nosebleeds before, but it's been at least a year since the last one. I started out 3 weeks ago taking 25mg of Strattera for a week and tomorrow is the last day of 2 weeks taking 40mg. I will report this to my physician and Lilly.

My 8 year old son started taking Strattera less than 2 months ago and has had a nose bleed every day this week. After reading this, I am stopping the Strattera immediately and getting him back on the Concerta next week.

i never thought i would stumble across this topic. ive been taking strattera for a month now and i have experienceed an increase in nose bleeds, howeveer i didnt put the two together i figured it was just from being outside in the dry air. now that im not the only one it makes me wonder what else that is happeneing is a side effect.

My nephew has been on straterra for 1 week and has had nose bleeds 3 days in a row. Seeing all these entries on here makes me sure that there is a link. All of us need to pettion the FDA to make Eli-Lilly include this information on the label of straterra.

My 7yr old son has been on Straterra for a month and half now, for ADHD. He's up to 40mg/day now, but we're still not quite there yet. Compared to previous medications, I have been getting very optimistic with Strattera. My son is starting to eat again, and he's controllable in the morning and evening now, whereas the previous meds left him waiting every morning to start taking affect. This morning I dropped him off at school and suddenly realized he had had a brief nosebleed in the car on the way. I came home and immediately checked the web, and found this site. When I was young I had chronic nosebleeds, on no medication. After a few months they had to cauterize a blood vessel in my nose to stop the bleeds. The information that came with my sons Strattera did say that it may cause constipation, so perhaps it is causing his body to become a little more dehydrated than usual. I certainly will be checking this out with his doctor, but I remain hopefull that perhaps this is also something that my son my have been predisposed to. I think the fact that my son "Bounces" around so much while getting dressed for school may have something to do with elevated blood pressure as well. The bottom line is, I'd much rather combat a nosebleed then have our lives go back to the chaos that existed before he started on Strattera. I'm not trying to minimise anyones concerns, as it does look like nosebleeds may be an undisclosed symptom of the medication, but for me I'd be very happy if that is the worst symptom I'm going to have to deal with.

What could be the cause of nose bleeds during sleep?

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These things can be unimportant but they can also mean severe problems

You may want to be seen by a doctor if you find you get these

What happens if your nose bleeds too much?

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Asked by Wiki User

If it bleeds so much that you nearly have no blood left you will probably die!