


Pronghorn are the fastest land mammals in North America. They are not antelope, though the physical and behavioral characteristics they have closely resemble the Old World true antelopes. Questions and answers about pronghorns can be asked and answered here.

462 Questions

What does a Sonoran pronghorn eat?

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Sonoran pronghorn primarily feed on a variety of desert shrubs, forbs, and grasses. They have adapted to survive in harsh desert environments, where their diet consists mainly of vegetation that provides them with the necessary nutrients and water to thrive.

How does the pronghorn protects itself?

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The pronghorn, also known as the American antelope, protects itself through its incredible speed and agility. It is the fastest land mammal in North America, capable of reaching speeds up to 55 miles per hour (88 kilometers per hour). Additionally, the pronghorn has exceptional vision, which allows it to detect predators from a distance and escape from potential threats.

Where in Idaho are pronghorns located?

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Pronghorns are in fact, not antelope, though they are also known as Prong buck, Pronghorn antelope or just simply Antelope. They are native to North and Central America, living in the Western United states and in Mexico. They are the only surviving members of the family Antilocapridae.
On The Border Mexico

Why is the pronghorn endangered in Arizona?

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As a species, no. The Baja California Pronghorn is a subspecies that is critically endangered.

Is a pronghorn faster than a leopard?

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Much faster. The pronghorn can hit 50 mph, while leopards top out at around 30 or so.

What type of habitat do pronghorns live in?

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USA their the only antelopes that live there

Actually, Pronghorns are NOT Antelopes, as the person above claims. See Wikipedia, search Pronghorn for more details.

What animal eats a pronghorn antelope?

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Animals that eat antelopes are the following (but is not limited to):

  • Lions
  • Cheetahs
  • Leopards

What will eat a pronghorn?

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A bison is an herbivore and only eats praire grasses.

Are Pronghorns the prey?

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Yes. They are herbivores, which means that they only eat grasses, shrubs, and sometimes, cactus.

What does the pronghorn use for shelter and why?

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it uses its camouflage to blend in with the grass to protect itself from predators.

How fast can pronghorn run?

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60 miles per hour

What uses does a pronghorn have?

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A pronghorn strongly resembles the antelope. They can be found in the interior of the North and Central America. Males have horns on top of their heads and can run very fast.

What kind of animal has a small skull and horns pertuding towards the back?

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i found a small skull yesterday with two horns that where facing like a handle of a bike and I found it interesting but was wondering what possible animals that it must belong to.

How much pronghorn eat?

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How much does a pronghorn eat?

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What do pronghorns live in?

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Pronghorns live in the prairies and deserts of the central and western North American continent.

What is the average speed of a pronghorn?

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They can hit 55mph for about a half of a mile, then they slow up a bit.

How many pronghorn antelopes are left in the world?

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The pronghorn is not endangered. Listed as least concern, with a population of 500,000 to 1,000,000.