

Pubic Lice (crabs)

Pubic lice are parasites spread during sex and other intimate contact. While pubic lice infection is not dangerous, it indicates the need for testing for other STDs.

406 Questions

Do condoms prevent pubic lice?

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Because pubic lice are found in many areas not covered by a condom, condoms have little or no effect on their transmission. You can easily get pubic lice from someone with a lice infestation even if you use a condom.

Does washing all bedding kill pubic lice?

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You only need to wash bedding and clothing used in the last 24 hours before you treat your body. Pubic lice can only live for less than a day without a human host.

Can pubic lice enter the body by way of the belly button?

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No, pubic lice are ectoparasites; they live on the outside of the body.

What are the small dark spots that pubic lice sometimes leave on underwear?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

Pubic lice also sometimes leave small dark brown specks from their own excreted matter on the parts of the patient's underwear that cover the anal or genital areas.

Can you have pubic lice twice and chlamydia at the same time?

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Yes, you can get both pubic lice and chlamydia many, many times if you are re-exposed. You can have both STDs at the same time.

What is the cheapest way to get rid of pubic lice?

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Please see your doctor about this or ask your pharmacist. This is not something to take care on the cheap.

I know you can get them from having unprotected sex but what cause pubic lice to form in the first place?

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Crabs (pubic lice), just like other sexually transmitted diseases, transfer from an infected person to a healthy person, usually during sexual intercourse.

What are reportable situations?

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  • Extensive copying of classified material
  • Unaccompanied, repeat work outside of normal duty hours
  • Unauthorized attempts to bypass security functions
  • Contact for any reason, other than official duties, with foreign diplomatic establishment

Where do genital crabs live when their not living on your genitals?

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Asked by Whitneysworldpartyonexcellentfb2642

Pubic lice live in pubic hair. They are generally passed from one person to the next, usually through sexual contact. If they are not living on your genitals, they are likely on someone else's... the person that gave them to, or if you had sexual contact while you had them, the person you were with also has them. You have to be treated for them to end the cycle.

Can an unborn baby be harmed by pubic lice?

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No, pubic lice will not harm an unborn baby. Pregnant women should choose pubic lice treatment carefully with their health care provider's advice. A baby can get pubic lice during birth, but not before.

Can you bathe with borax soap for pubic lice?

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You can bathe with borax soap, but it won't kill the lice. Use an effective lice medication.

Are fordyce spots in the pubic area?

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They can be, but are not exclusive to that area

How do you get pubic lice or crabs?

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Close contact with an infected person - for example, during sexual intercourse. Also, sharing certain items such as towels.

Can Vaseline get rid of pubic lice?

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No, Vaseline will not work. Pubic lice must be treated with a shampoo containing specific ingredients. The shampoo is available at any drugstore or supermarket and can be obtained free of charge at your county health department as well. This is a more common health problem than you may think, so please don't hesitate to have it taken care of. Or, you can just spray your junk with Raid.

Can you use brake fluid for treating pubic lice?

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No, brake fluid is not a sensible treatment for pubic lice.

How long can pubic lice live without a human host?

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Pubic lice can live less than a day without a human host.

Which body systems are affected by pubic lice?

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Pubic lice affect the integumentary system. They do not affect the reproductive system.

What if someone pushes pubic lice inside you?

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Pubic lice are external parasites. A louse that is pushed inside you will die.

How are pubic lice diagnosed?

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Pubic lice are diagnosed by inspection, noting the presence of insects in the genital area.
It is usually easier for the doctor to see marks from the patient's scratching than the bites from the lice, but pubic lice sometimes produce small bluish spots called maculae ceruleae on the patient's trunk or thighs.

Can pets get pubic lice?

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Human pubic lice is not supposed to be transmittable to other species. Still, there may be a difference between the ability to hitch a ride and make a permanent home. How long pubic lice can live apart from the human body is a different question.

Can pubic lice survive underwater?

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Yes they can.

What diseases are associated with pubic lice?

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Pubic lice are often associated with other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) but do not spread them.

What are the signs that you will have after shaving when having pubic lice?

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Pubic lice may leave small scabs on the skin. These bumps may be more visible after shaving.

Can a female get pubic lice from a male?

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Yes, a female can get pubic lice from a male.

Are pubic lice microscopic?

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Pubic lice can be seen with the naked eye, but they're small. A magnifying glass can be helpful in identifying the bugs and nits.