

René Magritte

René Magritte lived 1898-1967 in Brussels, Belgium. He is one of the most famous surrealist painters.

500 Questions

Who are Rene Magritte's friends?

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A poet... I forget what his name is.

What techniques did Rene Magritte use in his paintings?

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Magritte used a highly illusionist painting technique to make the viewer think about the real object and the painted imitation of the object.

In his painting "The lovers", he uses realistic painting techniques and questions the sense and meaning of the work.

What was Rene Magritte's subject matter?

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Very varied, but often persons or still lifes.

How did Rene Magritte's mother die?

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rene magrittes mother committed suicide in the river sambre i think the reason why she committed suicide because of depression

What is the apple painting by Rene margritte called?

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The son of Man was the one with the apple covering his face.

Why did Rene Magritte become a surrealist artist?

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Because it suited his ideas.

What art movements did Rene Magritte's art influence?

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Hiss surrealistic work influenced other surrealists.

What did René Magritte die from?

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Artist René Magritte died of pancreatic cancer... he actually died of choking on purple nuggets... hie aaron and mitchell

Why did rene magritte cover most peoples face in his paintings?

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When his mother committed suicide she pulled up from the river with her robe covering her face. As a result he always hid the faces in his paintings.

Why did Rene magritte paint time transfixed?

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Artists choose their subjects for reasons seldom known to others.

Where can you see Rene Magritte's work?

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In most museums which exhibit modern art.

In Brussels there is a René Magritte museum.

Why did Rene Magritte paint 'The Man in the Bowler Hat'?

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Artists choose their subjects for reasons seldom known to us.

What colours did Rene Magritte use on the painting 'The Lovers'?

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realistic painting techniques

What is Rene Magritte's painting style?

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Rene Magritte is a surrealist painter

What does God's Salon the painting by Rene Magritte represent?

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Magritte wrote about this painting; 'I can imagine a sunny landscape under a night sky; only a god is capable of visualizing it and conveying it through the medium of paint, however. In the expectation that I will become one, I am dropping the project...'

It takes a few reads to understand that statement, but basically he says the painting is a (cliche?) sunny landscape but how it would look at night. its part of surrealism.