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"Stierscheisse" is a German word that translates to "bullshit" in English. It is a vulgar term used to describe something as nonsense or rubbish.

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"Stierscheisse" is a German word that translates to "bullshit" in English. It is a vulgar term used to describe something as nonsense or rubbish.

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"Stugots" is Sicilian slang for "testicles" and "fagoili" is a vulgar way of saying "beans" in Italian. When combined, "stugots fagoili" is typically used as an insult or expletive in the television show "The Sopranos," often meaning "bullshit" or expressing frustration.

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It's no Big Deal.

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Daniel Roberts is a journalist and writer who covers sports and business. Some of his published works include articles for publications like Fortune, Yahoo Finance, and CNBC. He has also written a book called "Bitcoin Pizza: The No-Bullshit Guide to Blockchain" which explores the world of cryptocurrency.

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Here is a list of nicknames of U.S. presidents. This list is by no means exhaustive.

- Washington : The American Cincinnatus, The American Fabius, The Father of His Country
- J. Adams : The Colossus of Independence, Old Sink or Swim, His Rotundity, Atlas of Independence
- Jefferson : The Apostle of Democracy, The Man of the People, The Sage of Monticello
- Madison : Little Jemmy, His Little Majesty, Father of the Constitution
- Monroe : The Era of Good Feelings President, The Last Cocked Hat
- J.Q. Adams : Old Man Eloquent, The Abolitionist
- Jackson : The Hero of New Orleans, Old Hickory
- Van Buren : The American Tallyrand, The Careful Dutchman, The Enchanter, The Great Manager, The Master Spirit, Martin Van Ruin, Matty Van, The Mistletoe Politician, Old Kinderhook, The Little Magician, The Red Fox of Kinderhook
- W.H. Harrison : General Mum, Tippecanoe, Old Tippecanoe, Washington of the West, Old Tip
- Tyler : His Accidency, Accidental President
- Polk : Napolean of the Stump, Young Hickory
- Taylor : Old Rough and Ready
- Fillmore : The American Louis Philippe
- Pierce : Young Hickory of the Granite Hills, Handsome Frank
- Buchanan : Old Public Functionary, Old Buck
- Lincoln : The Ancient One, The Great Emancipator, The Liberator, Honest Abe, The Rail-Splitter, Illinois Rail Splitter, The Tycoon, Uncle Abe
- A. Johnson : The Tennessee Tailor
- Grant : Unconditional Surrender Grant, U.S. Grant, Hero of Appomattox
- Hayes : Rutherfraud, His Fraudulency, Dark-Horse President
- Garfield : Boatman Jim
- Arthur : Chet, Gentleman Boss, Prince Arthur, The Dude President, Walrus, Elegant Arthur
- Cleveland : His Obstinacy, The Stuffed Prophet, The Elephantine Economist, Uncle Jumbo, Veto Mayor, Veto President
- B. Harrison : The Front Porch Campaigner, The Human Iceberg, Kid Gloves Harrison, Little Ben
- McKinley : The Napoleon of Protection, Idol of Ohio
- T. Roosevelt : The Hero of San Juan Hill, The Lion, Teddy, TR, The Trust Buster
- Taft : Big Chief, Big Lub
- Wilson : The Phrasemaker, The Schoolmaster in Politics
- Harding :
- Coolidge : Cautious Cal, Cool Cal, Silent Cal
- Hoover : The Great Engineer, The Great Humanitarian, The Chief
- F.D. Roosevelt : FDR
- Truman : Give 'Em Hell Harry
- Eisenhower : Ike
- Kennedy : Jack, JFK
- L.B. Johnson : Bullshit Johnson, Landslide Lyndon, Light-Bulb Lyndon, LBJ
- Nixon : Tricky Dick
- Ford : Jerry, Mr. Nice Guy
- Carter : Jimmy, The Peanut Farmer
- Reagan : Dutch, The Great Communicator, The Gipper
- G.H.W. Bush : 41, Papa Bush, Poppy
- Clinton : Bubba, Slick Willie, The Comeback Kid, The First Black President, The Big Dog, Bill
- G.W. Bush : 43, Bush Jr., Dubya, W
- Obama : No Drama Obama

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