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Yes. There are meteor craters all over Mars.

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Yes. There are meteor craters all over Mars.

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Could be Draco. The meteor showers are called Draconids.

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there are no meteor showers on other planets because they are out in space but you can still see them from other planets.

There are meteor showers on other planets, but we haven't officially documented any yet. The Mars rovers have detected a few meteor streaks on Mars. Meteor showers are just trails from decaying comets that intersect Earth's orbit, so there would logically be trails that intersect other planet's orbits.

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The suffix "meteor" is typically used to indicate a connection to meteors or meteorites, such as in the words "meteoric" (resembling a meteor) or "meteorite" (a fragment of a meteor).

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The bit that remains to hit the earth is called a meteorite.

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