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Repression is a psychological defense mechanism where unwanted thoughts, memories, or feelings are pushed into the unconscious mind to prevent anxiety or discomfort. It involves excluding certain thoughts from awareness to avoid dealing with them.

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Repression is a psychological defense mechanism where unwanted thoughts, memories, or feelings are pushed into the unconscious mind to prevent anxiety or discomfort. It involves excluding certain thoughts from awareness to avoid dealing with them.

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In "A Tale of Two Cities," repression is a recurring theme symbolized through the oppressive rule of the French aristocracy and the harsh treatment of the common people. The oppressive regime led to widespread poverty, inequality, and suffering, pushing people to rebel against the establishment. This repression ultimately culminates in the French Revolution, where the oppressed rise up against their oppressors in a violent and chaotic struggle for freedom and justice.

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The word repression is a noun. It is the act of repressing.

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Definition criminal repression

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Explain in one sentence what Repression does in our mind.

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