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Q: What is a 7 letter word for breakfast cereal with a vowel sound in whale?
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What 7 letter word for a breakfast cereal has the same vowel sound as in wheel?


Breakfast cereal with the vowel in wheel?

It’s oatmeal

What breakfast cereal has the same vowel sound as wheel?

Although the hot cereal "oatmeal" rhymes with wheel, dry cereals such as Wheaties (wheet-eez) and Rice Krispies have the same long E sound. Both Wheaties and Cheerios actually have it twice. (cheer-ee-ohz)

What is the schwa vowel sound in?

The schwa vowel sound is the most common vowel sound in English, represented by the symbol Ι™. It is a short and neutral sound, similar to the 'uh' sound in words like "sofa" or "banana."

Does bunk have a short vowel sound?

Yes, it is a short vowel sound. The long vowel sound for the letter u is when it's pronounced "you;" the short vowel sound for the letter u is when it's pronounced "uh," like in this word.

What letter is a consonant but has a vowel sound?

The letter "Y" is considered a consonant in many cases, but it can also function as a vowel when it produces a vowel sound, such as in the word "yes" or "beyond."

Does the word sun have a vowel sound?

Yes, the word "sun" has a vowel sound. The letter "u" in "sun" produces the short vowel sound "uh."

Does bottle have a long vowel sound?

No, the word "bottle" does not have a long vowel sound. The 'o' in "bottle" is pronounced with a short vowel sound.

Does child have a vowel?

Child has one vowel, the letter i. It has a long vowel sound in child.

What long vowel sound does the word pat have?

The word "pat" does not contain a long vowel sound. It has a short 'a' sound.

Does the word zebra have a long or short vowel sound?

A long vowel sound sounds like the letter name. The word "Zebra" consists of one long vowel sound; The "E," and one short vowel sound; The "A."

What is the short vowel in the word badge?

The short vowel in the word "badge" is the letter "a."