

What makes sudoku puzzles so easy?

Updated: 10/5/2023
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10y ago

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Sudoku puzzles so popular with students because they give your brain a workout. They like puzzles to train their brain and finding the blocks for the numbers is a fun challenge.

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Sudoku puzzles are quite easy once you take into fact that each full line has to have numbers 1-9. The numbers cannot be duplicated on the same line so makes things a little easier.

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Are there two possible solutions to one sudoku puzzle?

If you are referring to published Sudoku puzzles, the answer is No. These are generally designed to have exactly 1 solution. That fact can sometimes help solve a Sudoku by eliminating choices that create non-unique configurations. If you are asking about possible Sudoku boards, the answer is yes - there are many more possible sudoku puzzles with multiple solutions than with unique ones. Details and examples can be found at the related link.

Do Sudoku puzzles increase math skills in children?

Any puzzle will help your child with critical thinking skills so sudoku will be good for that. Suduku has numbers in it but it does not involve any math so it wont help your son do better in math.

Can all sudoku be solved without guessing?

No. The most difficult levels require you to assume that a box is filled with one number or another. You pick one of the numbers, and then, you must follow the puzzle until you either solve it, or come to a impossible situation. Using the logical reasoning of "reductio ad absurdum", you then conclude that the number you picked WASN'T the correct number and start over from that junction point. It is VERY discouraging to have to resort to that technique, so I always play the ones that you can logically solve all the way whenever possible. If there was an easy way to mark a board and erase the wrong entries, then it wouldn't be so bad. Perhaps I could use a dry erase board with a different color when I got to a junction. That way, all I'd have to do is erase all the guesses in that color. There is another situation where you are forced to resort to guessing. Not all of the people who make Sudoku puzzles are aware that you must check your new puzzle for conformity to rules of what exactly makes a Sudoku puzzle. As a result, there are an amazing number of producers of puzzles that simply have no clue that what they are producing are not at all Sudoku puzzles, but something that only looks EXACTLY LIKE a Sudoku puzzle. These supposed "Sudoku puzzles" have not one, but anywhere from 2 to hundreds of solutions. Naturally, it is not possible to solve such a "puzzle" with only logic, as logic will fail to reduce the number of choices down to only 1 solution, a necessary component of actual Sudoku puzzles. You can check online at many websites to determine whether or not the puzzle you are working on is an actual Sudoku puzzle or not. It might just save your sanity! The number of erroneous Sudoku puzzles being published out there is legion! I have a hand held game device made in China that produces almost NO useful Sudoku puzzles. My mother got it for me. Thanks, Mom! Great present! *Note to readers: Beware bargain basement clearance bins. The merchandise is in there for a reason, and sometimes, that reason is because the product in the bin doesn't do anything useful, besides take your money. There is a famous hedge in Japan, where the vegetation was planted to produce a Sudoku puzzle. You would think that people that go to that much trouble (manufacturing and planting) would also check to make sure that they produced a useful puzzle so that their efforts would not turn out to be totally wasted, but you would be mistaken. So, don't assume that just because you are looking at a grid of what appears to be a Sudoku puzzle, that it really is one. I only get my puzzles from trusted authors now, and I haven't run in to a non-working Sudoku puzzle for months... I suggest that you start keeping track of who does a good job for you, and then only go to those places for your puzzles.

Are there statistics on Sudoku?

there is no real satistics to a sudoku so unluky the are many ways to do a sudoku

How do you find the answer to the March 8 2009 Sudoku?

There are billions of Sudoku puzzles. Newspapers can print anything they like. You must specify either the paper, so we can look it up for that date, or, place the puzzle in the answer below: 123 456 789 234 567 891 etc. 3__ 21_ 59_

How do you calculate the number of different sudoku puzzles?

In an average Sudoku puzzle there are nine larger boxes with nine small boxes inside each. The small boxes each get a number one through nine so that each larger box has nine different numbers in it. Therefore, nine different numbers are used and 81 numbers total.

Why is sudoku so challenging?

You don't have the hang of it.

Who started sudoku?

American archtect Howard Garns first designed the puzzle and they were a type of latin square. When first published in 1979 they were called 'number place'. They were published in Japan in 1986 and were an instant hit, because it is almost impossible to make a crossword out of the Japanese lettering and it was something new to them. They called it Sodoku meaning 'single number'.

Given a Sudoku puzzle with only one right answer is it always possible to solve it without using trail and error?

Not always. There is a practically infinite number of grids that cannot be solved using even the most advanced techniques, including some that blur the line between logic and trial and error. A software and puzzle designer known as Ruud has compiled a list of 50,000 such puzzles, which can be found here: Unfortunately, nearly all sudoku puzzles found in American publications are computer generated, so there is no guarantee you won't come across puzzles that cannot be solved logically, but a majority of them still can.

What are the disadvantages of a constitution?

Since it is all written down it provides easy access. so it makes it easy for one to know their rights.Since it is all written down it provides easy access. so it makes it easy for one to know their rights.Since it is all written down it provides easy access. so it makes it easy for one to know their rights.Since it is all written down it provides easy access. so it makes it easy for one to know their rights.Since it is all written down it provides easy access. so it makes it easy for one to know their rights.

How does the use of a variable instead of a value help to reduce detail and focus?

We try to generalise our code as much as we can. We cannot avoid using values completely, however a value is a literal constant and if we use the same constant over and over it makes sense to use a named constant variable rather than a value, if only to make it much easier to change the value throughout our code. To use a real world example, suppose we are writing a Sudoku solving program. The value 9 crops up quite a lot because there are 9 rows, 9 columns, 9 boxes and 9 digits, one of which is the digit 9. However, Sudoku is not a number puzzle, we just use digits for notational convenience. Any 9 unique symbols would do, so using variables instead of values would give us the ability to change symbols. Moreover, Sudoku puzzles are not just limited to 9 rows, columns and boxes, we can use any number that is a square. 9 is the square of 3 thus a standard Sudoku has order 3. We can also use order 2 (a 4x4 Sudoku), order 4 (a 16x16 Sudoku) and so on. The size of the Sudoku does not change the logic of solving it, so by using a variable to keep track of the order we can cater for any size Sudoku without changing the code. Our code becomes more generalised (less detailed) because it no longer focuses on a standard Sudoku.

How do you play lucky charms sudoku?

You play just the same as regular sudoku except you click once for the first, another time for the second and so on.