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The Stamp Act was a tax levied by the British against the colonies, requiring that anything they print has to be printed on official British stamped paper, which had a tax on it. This unfair tax drove the colonists to anger and revolt.

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The Stamp Act created a tax on various, everyday items that colonists would buy. Even though the money raised by the Stamp Act would be used in the colonies, it was considered an "internal tax," which the colonies claimed was illegal since they had no representation in Parliament. The colonists agreed that Britain could impose "external taxes" to regulate the trade between colony and Mother Country, but not internal, direct taxes being place on the citizens. Only a colonial assembly could enact direct, internal taxes on the people. After Parliament passed the Act, the Sons of Liberty in many colonies, especiallyMassachusetts protested the Act and some even took violent action. A Stamp Act Congress was held in the colonies to protest the internal, direct taxation of the colonies, while still acknowledging colonial loyalty to the King. The Crown and Parliament had not expected such violent demonstrations against the Act. The Act was repealed the Stamp Act while still claiming the right to enact all tax legislation for the colonies.

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It gave colonists another reason to fight against England due to the increase of taxes.

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