NNew expantion? Buy the pack Burning Crusade FIRST, then Wrath Of The Lich King then Cataclysm, then there will be a code in all boxes then go to the WoW website login and then go to codes and..VOILA!
when you buy the expansions, there will be things in there, on the disc-holders, there are codes,
put the disc in and then it will ask for the code.
Go on to the official Blizzard Website, (Battle.net) and create an account. Creating accounts is free. Once you've created your account you should go on to World of Warcraft. At that point it should be pretty simple to do. Just bind the game to your account, which will appear on the website.
If you are receiving the error 203 when you are either trying to set up or upgrade a trial account you need to contact the accounting and billing department for World of Warcraft.
you cant upgrade without paying but you can buy the upgrade online instead of going to the store
The trial account isn't playable after the trial unless you convert it to a paid account.
Only you can decide if you want to get world of warcraft. It is however advisable that you use a trial account to decide if you want it or not. The trial account is available at the official website below.
No, you should be able to see on your battle.net account or email
you don't have to start over, what happens is that you buy the whole game, then you can download the "real" WoW and your Toon will be there just like you left him(her).
Yes you will be able to talk to him/her. Howerver, you will only be able to do it in private messages as trial accounts to not have access to general/trade/lfg chats until they upgrade to a real account.
You can create a Trial Account for World of Warcraft by downloading the trial. If you later wish to upgrade to a full account you will have to buy the game and completely download or install it but you will be able to retain any account information or characters you made during the Trial Account. It is advisable to find a friend who plays World of Warcraft and creating an account (trial or not) through the Recruit-a-Friend option. If you should ever decide to make a full account, you'll get all of the rewards offered from Recruit-a-Friend and make playing the game more fun for you since you'll be playing with someone you know.
It would seem that you need to have a full World of Warcraft license to purchase this mount.
Yes you can download the game. But first you have to make an account and upgrade online to the world of warcraft you are purchasing then it is just as simple as downloading the installer and installing it.
Yes. You just have to choose the option that you already have a World of Warcraft acount, so that the payment goes onto the trial acount, which will give you the right amount of months you've paid for.
You will no longer have to upgrade an account that has Mists of Pandaria attached to it, until Blizzard makes a new expansion. Then you will have to upgrade the account to that expansion.