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Stanley Brakus

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Q: Believed that workers should own and control the means of production.?
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Who did carl marx believe should completely control production?

Karl Marx believed that the workers, or the proletariat, should completely control production in order to establish a classless society and eliminate exploitation by the capitalist class. He envisioned a system where workers collectively owned and managed the means of production.

Was socialism a response to industrialization?

Yes socialism emerged during the Industrial Revolution because the workers believed that they should control the means of production.

Marx believed that the should completely control production?

The people should control production and distribution. Production should take place to meet human need.

What you the central idea behind the political theory of socialism?

The workers should control the means of production

What are the rights of the government called socialism?

one of them is that workers should control the means of production.

Who believed that workers should own and control the meaning of production?

The act or process or producing, bringing forth, or exhibiting to view; as, the production of commodities, of a witness., That which is produced, yielded, or made, whether naturally, or by the application of intelligence and labor; as, the productions of the earth; the productions of handicraft; the productions of intellect or genius., The act of lengthening out or prolonging.

In communism who should take control of all the factors of production?

The people do, or everybody does (same thing).

Why did the authors believe that workers should rebel?

The authors believed that workers should rebel because they felt that the existing systems of power and control were oppressive and exploitative. They saw rebellion as a way for workers to fight back against these injustices and advocate for better working conditions, fair wages, and greater equality. Ultimately, they believed that rebellion was necessary to bring about social change and improve the lives of workers.

Who believed that workers should own the means of production and equal l divide to profits?

Karl Marx, wrote about this in Das Kapital and other writings such as the Communist Manifesto.

Was Karl Marx the philosopher who felt that all land and production facilities should belong to the state?

No, Karl Marx believed in the collective ownership of the means of production by the workers, not the state. He advocated for a communist society where property would be held in common.

What philosopher believed that in order to solve this problem workers should be able to change their job assignments daily?

The philosopher who believed that workers should be able to change their job assignments daily was Karl Marx. Marx advocated for a system where workers have control over their labor and can rotate tasks to prevent monotony and enhance their skills. This idea is rooted in his vision of a more equitable and fulfilling society where individuals have agency in their work.

What did both Progressives and eugenicists have in common?

Both believed that Native Americans should be segregated.