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can be as many as you like, normally one or two, a one stride double is 8 human steps

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Q: How many strides in between a double showjump?
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when i do pole exercises with my horse i normally stride out some canter poles (usually about 5 horse canter strides) and see how many canter strides i can fit in so my horse has to shorten and lengthen , this is good to get the horse listening to your aid and they enjoy it more too :) another one is where you can have poles on a circle and see how many strides you can fit between them and so on! theres loads tbh hope i helped :)

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Double Space between each section of a business letter.

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That would depend on the size of the horse, shoeing, shoulder formation, breed, and many other factors of this sort

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What is charging in hockey?

The difference between Charging and Boarding. Charging is when a player attempts to check another player but takes to many steps before hitting them. When you check someone you are suppose to take about 3 strides and then glide to the player who you are checking.Refs call charging also if you hit with the head or if you leave your feet. Boarding is when you check, trip, or throw another player into the boards violently.