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Do you want to know something about tiny red Spiders? There are many spiders that are red. There are probably many spiders that could be thought of as "tiny red ones." Adult chiggers look a little like spiders. They have eight legs. But they only have one main body part instead of two like spiders.

One tiny red spider makes a sheet web. They catch very small insects.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

You're most likely refering to "spider mites." They're those little tiny TINY red spiders you can find all over in some areas. They are pests that kill plants, and are fairly similar to aphids, in that they target plants.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

The tiny red bugs you see are probably fire ants. They are a species of the ant, and when they bite you it does feel like fire!

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βˆ™ 15y ago

red spiders are red all over so does it counts? red spiders?

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βˆ™ 15y ago

A spider mite ?

Look at the link I will place below to see if this helps you.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

A black widow is a spider with a red mark on its 'back'

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βˆ™ 12y ago

are you sure it's a dot and not a formation? It's most likely a black widow. The female eats their smaller mate after mating. Hence the name "widow".

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Q: What are small red spiders that look like ants?
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What is one way to distinguish spiders from ants?

Look for eight legs.

What is the differences between ants and spiders?

Well, for a start, ants only have 6 legs whereas Spiders have 8. And another thing is, more people have arachnophobia, which is fear of sipers, that people who are wimps and are afraid of ants. One more difference is that ants have three parts to their body if you look closely spiders only have two.

What do mites look like?

clover mites look like small red circles and up close thay look like red Spiders.

What do ant-mimicking spiders do with two extra legs?

Kept off the ground and waving in the air like antennaeare what ant-mimicking spiders [Myrmarachne spp] do with the two extra legs that spiders have and ants don't. These spiders have black, brown or orange shaped bodies that look like an ant's. They use six out of eight legs to run in a zigzag pattern that imitates an ant's way of getting around.Why do they do this? Ants are known to be distasteful to wildlife. Some of them also use their mimickry to eat the very ants they copycat. So they behave in this way to protect themselves from predators and to find food sources.

What are the little red bugs on rocks?

A very common tiny red bug is called a ladybug. It is about 1 cm long, has black spots and eats bugs that kill the plant they are on.

Why does a mountaintop view makes people below appear like ants?

Ants can be seen by our naked eyes but still when you are looking your surroundings from your house, you don't see the ants since they are small compared to all other things in the surroundings. Like that, from the mountaintop, if we look down, we see a big area. Since the humans are small compared to all other things that they appear small.

Do spiders have a complete metamorphosis?

No, spiders do not have an intermediate form that does not look like the adult, They do not go through metamorphosis. Baby spiders look just like miniature adults as soon as they hatch.

What do wood spiders look like?

Nasty little things

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What do meat ants look like?

scary and they look really big

What do trap door spiders look like?

Traps door spiders are very complex but in lamens terms, they simply look like a trap door spider.

What do red ants look like?

They look like ants that are red. They have three body segments: head, thorax and abdomen, and they have six legs. They are 2-6ml long.