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If all goes well, the mother cat will do most of the work :)

Check to make sure that she is cleaning the kittens and letting them suckle. If she refuses to suckle the "runt" of the litter, you may need to bottle-feed it. Consult your veterinarian about this.

For the first few weeks, the kittens won't do much except eat and sleep. Make sure the mom and kittens have a warm, comfortable living space (perhaps a cat-bed or a nest of blankets) Feed the mom more food then usual because she needs to provide nutrients for herself and the kittens.

Be cautious about handling the kittens because the mama cat will be very protective. She probably won't let you near them for the first week or so.

Speak to your veterinarian about any problems that arise, and make an appointment for the kittens so they can get their shots, etc.

If you don't intend to keep all the kittens, it is never too early to start searching for their new homes! Many people don't realize how difficult it is to find homes for kittens, and many cats end up in animal shelters for this reason. So be responsible and start your search early! Remember though, the kittens have to stay with their mother until they're AT LEAST 12 weeks old

Hope this Helps :)

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12y ago
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15y ago

well, i think it depends. does your cat let you hold her kittens? if so, you could take the kittens inside the house and show the mother cat that her kittens are there. if your cat doesn't let you hold her kittens then you could keep a close eye on the kittens then take them inside the house when the mother cat isn't there or let the mother cat keep her kittens there. you could also call the animal shelter but if the kittens are too young they'll have to take the mother cat too. well i hope i helped and good luck :)

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14y ago

Always make sure she has plenty of fresh food and water since feeding the kittens and the birthing process in itself can take up a lot of energy. Providing some cat milk and treats can also be good for her. Don't provide cows milk, however, as the majority of cats are lactose intolerant and this can make her ill.

Make sure she has a warm, safe and quiet place with her kittens otherwise she may reject them. Handling the kittens early can be good for their social skills, but don't handle them when they are newborn and handle them for small amounts of time at the beginning so the mother can become used to it without feeling threatened and possibly abandoning them.

If you don't want anymore kittens, it may be a good idea to take her to a vet to be spayed. This will also be kinder to her than wearing her body out with litter after litter and prevent poor unwanted kittens.

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15y ago

Right after kittens have been born you would need to groom them (the mother will do this too but she has to take care of every one so you can stand by and help, just don't take the kitten out of the mother's sight) make sure the mother eats the placenta, it may be gross but it has lots of vitamins and nutrients that the mother will need. You can touch them, any time you want, but only if you have a strong connection with the mother. and once again don't tale the kitten out of the mother's sight. the mom wont abandon or EAT (Gross) the kitten as long as she knows your scent and knows you arent a threat to her and her kittens! The mother won't eat the kittens if you touch them. Old wives tale. And spay the mother !!!!!!!!!!

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14y ago

If your cat has kittens, the best thing to do is provide an enclosed, warm, and comfortable environment for the mother to nurse her kittens. I recommend an averaged size cardboard box turned on its side so they can walk into it, with a towel or blanket for the mother and her kittens to lay on. They really do not need much human intervention from that point on. The mother will feed and clean her kittens on her own, and if you try to pet or carry the new kittens too early on, this will frustrate the mother and she will try to move them to a more private area. So the best thing to do is to provide a nice area for them, and leave them to themselves until they start walking out and exploring on their own.

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15y ago

Don't do anything and don't pick up the babies. Just let her take care of them. She knows what to do. You should wait a few hours before you pick up the babies.

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14y ago

you get a box and then you put sheets or something soft in it and in about the next couple weeks you have to buy a bigger one and then you have to train them in a litter box

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15y ago

First, you should consult your vet and see how far on your cats pregnancy is.

Then, TLC, you have got to pamper her, it is essential that she is treated well and cared for.

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