

Why wont my bunny drink water?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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10y ago

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There are many possible reasons. Bring your rabbit to a special "rabbit-savvy" vet so you can determine and treat the cause (it could be kidney failure!). Some possible reasons include:

  • If your rabbit is female, she may be pregnant or maybe she just had babies.
  • If it's hot (weather), your rabbit will drink more water to avoid dehydration.
  • This may be a sign of kidney disease, especially in an older rabbits (over 6 years).
  • This also could be down to eating too much dried mixed food and not enough roughage (hay).
  • A salt lick can also be your problem. Salt absorbs liquids. Rabbits don't need salt licks! Remove it from the cage immediately.
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12y ago
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15y ago

It could be many things but I would be safe and have the rabbit checked out at a vet. If you don't have one, grab the phone book and call around but make sure they see rabbits. Some vets will say they see them and then run in back and look up info in the books while you are in the room. Ask questions like "do you see rabbits? how many do you see on average?" Then try to ask them questions that you know the answer to such as "how much hay and pelleted food should a rabbit get everyday?" Answer: unlimited TIMOTHY hay and the pellets should be given according to weight. Good luck.

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12y ago

In the case of Rabbits, drinking a lot is simply used as a diversion, and a means of escaping stressful situations. Rabbits, like several other animals (giraffes, antelopes, alligators), are anxiety ridden creatures. Much
Reasons why rabbits drink alot is because they need lots of water and just think why do you need water

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12y ago

It may mean it's hungry or thirsty.

Rabbits eat and drink on and off all day long. Rabbits are grazers: this is normal behaviour for them.

If your rabbit is eating or drinking more than normal, something may be wrong. For example, more drinking than normal is one sign of kidney disease.

If your rabbit is eating or drinking more than normal -- or in any way has changed his or her behaviour -- it's a good idea to bring the rabbit to a vet who has experience with bunnies.

See the related questions and links below for more information.

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15y ago

Yes, rabbits constantly need a fresh supply of water available at all times. Dehydrated bunnies can get sick without water.

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13y ago

a rabbit drinks about 1/2 a bottle a day or maybe a little less maybe if not 1/2 its 1/4.

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11y ago

its really thirsty and you haven't give him enough water

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10y ago

Your bunny may not be drinking water for a few different reasons. The bunny could be sick.

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dude its just water it wont make you stronger

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your bunny probably finds it harder to drink out of the water bottle, maybe its to low or too high, if its adjusted to th rabbits height already and still wont drink from it, try filling a small bowl with water and see if that works, or get one of those tiny cat bowls that comes with the jug ontop that keeps filling the bowl each time its empties, less for work u too! i have a rabbit that does the same thing, and we found this worked, but if it doesnt try going to a vet and see if maybe your bunny is sick or something?

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It wont do you any harm - apart fromt he risk of scalding if the water is too hot.