


Although females do produce a small amount of testosterone, it is the main male sexual hormone. Men produce several times more testosterone than women. It is responsible for growth of bone and muscle, production of body hair, and development of male reproductive tissues.

536 Questions

What foods good for raises testosterone?

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Testosterone is one of the most important aspect in terms of male reproductive system. Testosterone Helps to generate the reproductive levels in the Body. Testosterone Helps to increase the and Helps to maintain the stability of the male reproductive system . It Helps to Improve the sexual life of a person. Any issues in your testosterone will definitely degrade your health. We need to maintain balance our testosterone levels by taking proper foods as following Below. We are always advised by having good foods as per the doctors advice.

  1. Green leaves and vegetables

  2. Spinach

  3. Fruits

  4. Rich Meat and fish

  5. Consumption of oxidants

  6. Healthy Drinks and Liquids

Which gonads help release the hormone testosterone?

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Primarily the testicles; however, small amounts of testosterone are released from the adrenal glands.

When are natural testosterone levels highest during the day?

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Asked by Mftank

When the sun rises and sets are when testosterone levels peak.

Does working out increase testosterone levels in the body?

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No, dreaming is not going to increase your TT levels. Dream is a psychological phenomenon, and although some dreams can make u feel anxious or stressful, they can not affect your TT levels. If you want to increase TT, then eat lot of soya, and protein powder that has creatine. Muscle mass will help you increase your TT too.

How do gonadotropic hormones regulate spermatogenesis and testosterone production?

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GnRH regulates the ovarian hormones by way that it is only produced till estrogen and proestrogen level are optimal and then they use negative feedback to send signals to GnRH to stop producing

Testosterone is produced within the testes by the?

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Seminiferous tubules

How do females make testosterone?

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The ovaries and the adrenal cortex (part of the adrenal gland, superior to the kidneys) are major sources of testosterone for women.

How do you stop night emmision?

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Wet Dreams Night Time emissions:

Wet Dreams are completely natural, almost everyone has them & Most who study this agree that it is your brain trying to work out & maybe even teach you about it's sexual function. As you enter puberty, your body starts producing HUGE amounts of testosterone to help you grow into being a man. Muscles grow, your body hairs over & your voice deepens. ANDyour mind thinks of sex most of the day.

Your brain is saturated in this Testosterone driven Hormonal soup that is designed to make you want to find a mate & pass on your genes, there is a reason it is called a SEX DRIVE! sometimes it seems like it is all we think about in our teens & twenties, that's when your testosterone is the highest. By your mid- thirties, your Testosterone levels stop increasing and start to decline 2-3% per year & your sex drive starts to decline into your 40s & 50s.

Your Wet dreams, will not last forever & as you age & find a mate they will probably cease or at least become very rare. You will miss them when they are gone.

The best advice most Psychologists will give is learn to enjoy them, there is no harm in them & they are a natural part of growing up.

What are some of the symptoms requiring testosterone therapy?

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When you start shaking hands with girls, it's time to get a lab test for free testosterone in your bloodstream. Men's testosterone level varies from 280 t0 800 nanograms per deciliter of blood. Free testosterone means that it has already metabolized by the liver.

Does testicular cancer cause a decrease in testosterone?

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Yes it does. I have testicular cancer. I was recently diagnosed with it. My doctor told me that while you still have the cancer in your body it decreases testosterone and causes things like breast tenderness and enlargement. Also you may become more emotional. But the treatment which is a nightmare in itself. Removing the affected testicle through surgery will restore your testosterone to normal levels. In certain cases men take medication to boost testosterone. Ask your doctor.

Does clomid raise testosterone in men?

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yes clomid does work i had a low sperm count i start taking clomid in nov 2008 and my wife got pregnant in feburary 2009. i have a baby girl now i am also taking clomid now to have another child so yes it work my doctor recommended me 90 day supply of clomid.

Is testosterone produced by prostate gland?

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No, testosterone is not secreted by the prostate gland, it is secreted by the testes.

Did sunflower seed reduce testosterone?

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no, they help the production.

What does testosterone mean?

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Testosterone is a hormone present in all people but particularly present in males. Testosterone helps the development of primary and secondary sexual characteristics in boys and men. Testosterone also has an effect on mental and behavioural processes, tending to make people more aggressive and competitive, better at spatial relations and worse at multitasking.

How much testosterone is in sperm?

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Semen (which is the fluid containing sperm) contains about 5 calories per ejaculation, total. Assuming that all of those 5 calories derive from protein, you'd be looking at 1.25g of protein, *max*. (there are 4 cals per 1 g protein). In reality, some of those calories are coming from enzymes, sugars, etc. So you'd probably be getting a bit less than 1 g of protein.

What gland controls testosterone?

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In a nutshell controls man features during purberty such as body hair or penis size and even height

What is the common name of testosterone?

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The abbreviated common name of Dihydrotestosterone is DHT. It is also commonly referred to as Androstanolone or Stanolone. It is commonly used in chemotherapy treatments.

How do you lower your testosterone level?

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Anabolic steroids build muscle mass and bone mass by increasing the levels of testosterone and cortisol in the male, and estrogen and progesterone in the female. Anobolic steriods build up tissue while catabolic steriods decrease it. Anabolic-androgenic steroids are man-made substances related to male sex hormones.

Can Saw palmetto for natural testosterone?

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No. At least, not unless you put "testosterone" in quotes. It contains phytosterols, chemicals which are somewhat similar to testosterone. It does contain a factor which inhibits the enzyme that converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone; this could result in increased levels of testosterone. However, dihydrotestosterone is the more potent of the two, so the net effect is the opposite of what you might think: it tends to promote feminine characteristics, such as gynecomastia.

How can you get more testosterone in your blood?

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the curd of milk separated from the whey and prepared in many ways as a food. a definite mass of this substance, often in the shape of a wheel or cylinder

What kind of doctor would check testosterone level?

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Primary care providers normally test testosterone levels.

What are the male organs that make sperm and testosterone?

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the answer is the testes but I'm not sure it says in my textbook

your welcome :D

Can lack of testosterone cause moodiness?

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Yes. Any hormone imbalance can affect you physically and psychologically.