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Wrestling is a contact sport. The objective is to outscore the other opponent using contact moves through a specified numbers of periods. Pinning an opponent results in an immediate victory. The only way to wrestle is through close contact. As contact sport participants, wrestlers wear protective equipment such as wrestling headgear.

There are probably some questions as to why headgear is worn to protect the ears. It might seem that protecting arms, legs, and torsos would be more important. A wrestler is not likely to get anything in the ear. Ears do not get broken. What does a wrestler fear when it comes to the ear?

Certainly headgear protects against cuts and scratches. However, the condition wrestlers are trying to avoid is known as cauliflower ear. Cauliflower ear occurs when the ear sustains an injury that causes blood vessels to burst and form pockets of blood. The pockets can disfigure the ear to the point that the injury resembles cauliflower. Cauliflower ear is not attractive and is painful. The pockets have to be drained to heal. Surgery may be needed. Headgear is well worth the money and most wrestling organizations require headgear be worn.

It is important that headgear fit. Headgear that does not fit will not stay over the ears and defeats its purpose. If headgear does not fit snugly, it can become a distraction to a wrestler during a match by working itself into an uncomfortable position or by covering the eyes. Youth headgear should be purchased for those 12 and under and even for some smaller older wrestlers. Adult headgear will fit some middle schoolers and usually those of high school age and up. Wrestlers should make sure there are enough straps that are properly adjusted to keep the gear in place.

Grapplers are tough athletes. They endure a great deal just to be able to compete. Competition puts them to the test physically, mentally, and emotionally. Headgear offers a physical level of protection to the ears. Indirectly, headgear also provides mental and emotional protection. Wrestlers need not fear injury in this contact sport if they wear headgear that fits properly.

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Wrestling is a contact sport. The objective is to outscore the other opponent using contact moves through a specified numbers of periods. Pinning an opponent results in an immediate victory. The only way to wrestle is through close contact. As contact sport participants, wrestlers wear protective equipment such as wrestling headgear.

There are probably some questions as to why headgear is worn to protect the ears. It might seem that protecting arms, legs, and torsos would be more important. A wrestler is not likely to get anything in the ear. Ears do not get broken. What does a wrestler fear when it comes to the ear?

Certainly headgear protects against cuts and scratches. However, the condition wrestlers are trying to avoid is known as cauliflower ear. Cauliflower ear occurs when the ear sustains an injury that causes blood vessels to burst and form pockets of blood. The pockets can disfigure the ear to the point that the injury resembles cauliflower. Cauliflower ear is not attractive and is painful. The pockets have to be drained to heal. Surgery may be needed. Headgear is well worth the money and most wrestling organizations require headgear be worn.

It is important that headgear fit. Headgear that does not fit will not stay over the ears and defeats its purpose. If headgear does not fit snugly, it can become a distraction to a wrestler during a match by working itself into an uncomfortable position or by covering the eyes. Youth headgear should be purchased for those 12 and under and even for some smaller older wrestlers. Adult headgear will fit some middle schoolers and usually those of high school age and up. Wrestlers should make sure there are enough straps that are properly adjusted to keep the gear in place.

Grapplers are tough athletes. They endure a great deal just to be able to compete. Competition puts them to the test physically, mentally, and emotionally. Headgear offers a physical level of protection to the ears. Indirectly, headgear also provides mental and emotional protection. Wrestlers need not fear injury in this contact sport if they wear headgear that fits properly.

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