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You must mean kiloGRAM, not kilometer? If 1 gram kills 150 people, then 1 kilogram kills 150,000.

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Q: 1 gram of king cobra venom can kill 150 people how many people can 1 kilometer of venom kill?
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What is the poisons snake in the world?

Gram-for-gram, Belchers sea snake has the most potent venom.

What part of 1 kilometer is 100 grams?

These two cannot be compared. Kilometer is length, and gram is mass.

How many grames are there in a kilometer?

First of all it's GRAMS. Second of all ,there are 1000 grams in one killogram. Third, gram and kilometer do not represent the same dimensions, so you cannot convert between them. Kilometer is a unit of length. Gram is a unit of mass.

What is common with kilometer gram centimeter?

they all have to so with the metric system

In walk two moons who sucked the venem out of grams leg?

Phoebe's father sucked the venom out of Gram's leg after she was bitten by a snake. This act showed his concern and care for Gram.

How are kilogram-kilometer alike?

They are both 1,000 times their base, in this case a gram and a meter.

What is bigger a gram or a kilometer?

i assume gram or kilogram. If so, the kilogram is 1000 times bigger than the gram. if you meant what you posted then it is impossible to link the two as gram is weight and meter is distance, two independent quantities

How many grams makes up one kilometer?

kilometer is 1000 meter, eq a distance. grams is a weight: 1 gram = 1/1000 liter of water.

What does not Belong kilometer gram centimeter acre?

You could make a case for any of them, but the acre is not a metric unit.

How much are snake milkers paid?

possibly up to $2,000 per gram of venom