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I do not know why a common octopus is an animal kingdom

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Q: 3 reasons why a octopus is in the animal kingdom?
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Which animal has 3 heatrs?

An Octopus

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Is there an animal with 3 hearts?

octopuses have 3 hearts and so do earthworms, squids have 3 hearts, so do crocodiles also some fish have 3 hearts i think frogs do too but i am not sure. earthworms also have blue blood. i hope this answer is some help

Is the animal kingdom near the animal kingdom lodge?

Yes! The distances between the two are very close. It takes approximately about 3 minutes to arrive in Animal Kingdom from the lodge via bus or car. Keep in mind there is no walking path between the two because of the placement design of Animal Kingdom, and the lodge.

What new about an octopus?

an octopus has 3 hearts and an octopus can change its colour according to its surrondings

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you are weard

What are three facts about the animal kingdom?

1: Animals 2; Decomposers 3: Producers 4: Bacteria

How much weight for a baby octopus?

It Varies from species The Blue Ringed OCtopus weighs less than 90 on average.

In what year was the movie Animal Kingdom released?

Animal Kingdom is a Australian movie, it's genres are crime, drama and thriller. It tells the story of a seventeen year old boy who fights for survival. It was released in June 3, 2010.

What is the life expectancey of a Pacific octopus?

the life expectancey of a pacific octopus is 3-5 years.