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Q: A naturally occurring hole in bone or tooth?
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How do you get the son on shark tooth?

go to the medison man then go to the dark hole and get the bone and seckret suse

What is the hole in a tooth?

cavity is the hole in tooth

Where do you get the bone on Shark Tooth island?

The bone is down in the underground ruins. You will find it at the bottom of the hole with spikes on its sides, just left of the statue with the giant centipede on it.

You just had your wisdom tooth out After 2 days there appears to be quite a substatial hole in your gum through which you can still see some white tooth What should you do?

Of course there is going to be a substantial hole, that's the socket where the tooth was. As for the white you are seeing, that would be part of the jaw bone and was supporting the tooth that is now extracted. Your dentist can remove some of it, if you want but its not necessary!

Why do we get a hole in your tooth?

Eroding away of tooth enamel

What is the hole in the temporal bone?

The hole in temporal bone is known as parietal foramen...

What is a tiny hole behind the back of a tooth?

i think you are referring to the lingual fossa.

What is it called if you have a hole in your tooth?

"Cary" (one r ) is the real, or, medical, term for a hole in a tooth due to tooth decay. These are commonly referred to as "cavities" however a "cavity" technically can be a hole or depression in anything. A Cary is specifically a hole in a tooth.

When you lose a tooth is there still some bone deep inside the gum?

The root of a tooth extends under the gums and is anchored in your jawbone. When you have a tooth pulled, there is a hole in the jaw where the root of the tooth was. This is called the socket. When the dentist pulls the tooth out, there may be chips of bone left over in the socket. The dentist has to break the tooth away from the jawbone in order to make the tooth loose so it can come out. Sometimes when the dentist pulls the tooth out, the tooth can break and a little bit of the root can be left in the socket. The dentist will try to get this out by drilling down into the jawbone with the drill to loosen the broken tooth root. If the piece of root is too close to the sinus (upper tooth) or jaw nerve (lower tooth), the dentist may decide it is best to leave the piece of root in the jaw.

What does a hole in a tooth mean?

A hole is a cavity, it means that the tooth is rotten or rotted. If you see a hole it is past time to see the dentist. You should also be brushing more often.

I have a hole in my mouth from my wisdom tooth coming through but now that hole has a white line all around it what does that mean?

If you have a hole in the mouth with a white line around where a tooth use to be mean that you have a tooth coming back in. I would go to the doctor and have them check it out.

What is used to fill a tooth that has a hole?
