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Q: A world religion that grew out of the Aryan myths of Ancient India?
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Related questions

What significance did myths have on the Greek people?

The Greek myths were the ancient Greek's religion.

Why did Egyptians believe in myths?

The ancient Egyptians believed in "myths" because they were a part of their religion.

Was Greek Myths a poet?

The Greek myths are the collection of stories about the gods who were the religion of the ancient Greeks. Yea how dumb are you?

How was religion in ancient Greece similar to religion in ancient egpyt?

They were similar because they both shared some beliefs such as myths and gods and goddesses

Did ancient India have any myths or legends?

yes,i am pretty sure it did.

What religion were the ancient Greek people?

Their religion was what we call the Greek myths., Today, it would probably be referred to as "Paganism".

Why do we still believe in mythology?

Myths are stories we do not believe in (any longer). Stories we do believe are not considered myths. The Greek myths were the religion of the ancient Greeks. It has been supplanted by Christianity.

Why do people need to believe in mythological stories?

What we call myths were the religion to the ancient Greeks. Our religion might be seen as myth to other peoples.

Is the Greek goddess Artemis real?

The ancient Greeks believed that she did. Now most people do not take Greek Mythology as a religion any more, but part of our history. It's a matter of rather you believe in the ancient myths or not.

What purpose did myths serve for the ancient Greek people?

they gave people stories about the legends and myths of greek mytholgy

How was lyric poetry related to religion in ancient Greece?

Greek lyric poetry often related the religious myths of the Greeks. Greek religion was based on mythology.

Is Greek mythology part of ancient Greek religion?

Yes. Popular convention is that the foundation stories of Christianity should not be referred to as myths, but that the foundation stories of other religions can be. Thus the foundation stories of the ancient Greek religion are referred to as myths, or collectively as mythology. Further, the ancient Greeks often accepted their foundation stories as not being literally true, but symbolic. They saw no inherent difficulty in teaching myths to help in understanding their religion.AnswerYes, mythology is the whole of stories about the Gods and Heroes that was paced down orally and later written down. While it is part of the Hellenic religion, it is not the same as the Hellenic religion.