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Answer: the most obvious choice would be the police. There are also abuse hotlines. You can probably find the hotline number for your local area if you googled it.

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How many people are against animal abuse?

almost everyone

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the will of the people is all that can stand against the usurpers of liberty in government.

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You can report it to any supervisor. It can also be reported in the Community Forum in the "Report Vandalism and Abuse" thread. Immediate action will be taken against the user if proven he/she is abusing anyone.

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women who dislike and stand against web abuse

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This action will make the students abuse their rights.

Why shouldn't people abuse animals?

animal abuse is cruel altogether but if that is not enough of a reason then how about all of the people that are cruel to humans after they are cruel to animals, animal abusers are five times more likely to commit violent crimes against people... do you want that to happen?It's against the law.Animals are living, breathing things that feel as you do.

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ba donk a donk stonkee ballstank.

How many states in the US that animal abuse is against the law?

in 20 states animal abuse is against the law

Why is it a problem to abuse animals?

Because there are frustrated and and mentally unbalanced people everywhere that get some sort of kick or relief out of meting out cruelty. they cant do it to humans because they are protected and may take action against them, however animals cant tell.

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Prison is a containment area for those who have ABUSED the privilidge to live under the laws and rules provided. When these ABUSERS are placed in the one area against their will, abuse is only the tip of the iceberg.

Which law firm is taking on the class action suit against the forced indoctrination and brainwashing and abuse of children of parents of members of the Mormon religion?

There is no such lawsuit taking place.

Who is saint of abuse victims?

There are different kinds of abuse. The Holy Innocents are invoked against abortion, & other kinds of killing of small children. St. Maria Goretti is invoked against rape and sexual abuse. St. Dymphna is invoked against incest & sexual abuse.