

Are Doberman as mean as people say?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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It depends on where its raised. Yes, they could be very mean but only if it has had bad experiences or owners. For example, a friend had a doberman pinscher that was raised in a fighting rink. He was VERY mean so they had to get rid of him. Now, if its raised in a pet shop, a good breeder or by a good owner it could be as harmless as a butterfly to it's master, but a good guard dog though!

As with most all dogs, they need to know that their master is the "Alpha Dog" in their world.

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kind of hard to say on this one, both breeds are strong in they own way, the doberman may be a lil taller doh, don,t be fool by how the doberman body is slim, cause these dogs are very very strong, and so is the bullmastiff, if you ask me, i would say a tie.

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I think you mean either a Doberman or a Rottweiler.

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What do you mean? Probably, but I hope they don't get into one.

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I have always heard a year so thts what I say

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Rottweilers are the strongest, Because of there massive jaws and Huges Muscles they Overmatch the Doberman pinscher any day. But ofcourse if you mean like a full grown doberman agaisnt a Rottweiler that is a different case. So in other words the Rottweiler will overmatch the Doberman Pinscher any day for sure.

How does the Doberman pinscher help people?

doebermans were used as working dogs