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If your child is drinking from the bottle while they are sleeping or you are not cleaning their teeth/gums before they go to bed then it is definitely bad.

It is helpful even if you could wipe their teeth/gums with a soft moist cloth....this will remove any residual milk/other foods they may have on their teeth---> this will decrease the risk of your child developing cavities.

I think it is recommended to have your baby off the bottle by the age of 1 year.

The bottle can also have negative effects on your child's bite....their upper teeth can sort of "flare out". If you find it you can not have your child give up their bottle their baby teeth can flare out. But as long as you have them off of it by the time they are six (time when their first adult tooth starts to erupt) their adult teeth will be relatively uafffected (concerning bite).

Hope this helps!!

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Probably isn't great for them. Don't give babies juice, fruits better. If they don't know what juice is they can't whine for it.

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Are there any websites that provide instructions for sterilizing bottles? and are a couple of great websites that have information about sterilizing bottles and nipples for your baby bottles. Buy dishwasher safe baby bottles and your problems will be solved. Also washing your baby bottles with warm water and soap by hand and then towel or air drying them should be enough.

Where can one purchase Avent baby bottles?

Someone can purchase Avent baby bottles from a number of companies such as amazon. Amazon has a large selection of Avent baby bottles and also offers free shipping on orders that are $25 or greater.

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