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Yes; they are sometimes used as light sources, some by setting fire to an oil inside the lantern, and some by battery-powered bulbs.

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Q: Are lanterns still used today and how?
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When was a lantern invented?

The use of lanterns began during antiquity. There are references to the use of lanterns in Greek literature, as well as the Bible. Today, lanterns vary in how they are constructed and what energy is used to provide the light. Mantle lanterns can use a gas chamber, pressurized fuel, protein or kerosene.

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What is the largest size battery?

The largest conventional battery used today is the 12 Volt used or lanterns. There are other types of larger batteries such as a car battery.

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there are many green lanterns, and all the green lanterns of earth are still presently alive.

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Pumpkins are used to carve jack-o-lanterns.

Why did people use lanterns in fishing communities?

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Is Saturn v still being used today?

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Was oil used to light lanterns in the colonies?

Yes, whale oil was mostly used to light the lanterns in the colonies. The lanterns were not used in all homes because the oil was costly. Many homes only used the fireplace as a source of light.

When were lanterns built?

1800's. The ancient Chinese used lanterns, it started with captured fireflies