

Are ostriches mammals

Updated: 11/15/2022
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12y ago

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No. Ostriches are in the bird family.

Ostriches are very large birds which, along with the emu (an Australian bird), are the biggest birds. Ostriches aren't mammals because they don't have fur like other animals and and they don't have teeth like mammals have too. Nor do they feed their young on mothers' milk.

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11y ago

ostriches are not mammals they are very large birds along with emu an Australian bird they are the biggest bird

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Is an ostrich a mammals?

No, ostriches aren't mammals because they don't have fur like animals and and they don't have teeth like mammals do. They do not nurse their young, as mammals do. Ostriches, though they don't fly, are classified as birds

Are ostrich tallest living mammals?

no, ostriches aren't even mammals. giraffes are the tallest living mammals

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Are ostriches vertebrates?

Yes , like all birds and mammals

What kind of animals live with ostriches?

Ostriches live in Africa, in deserts, savannas and mountainous regions, as well as dense brush and open woodlands. For protection, they often congregate with grazing mammals such as zebras and some antelope species. They are also found living with giraffes and elephants. Not only do these mammals flush out food for ostriches, they also provide an early warning system. When there is a predator such as a lion, ostriches use their forward-facing eyes to spot the predator before sprinting off at 45 miles per hour. Ostriches have keen vision, and that helps with the senses of smell that the graving mammals they congregate with have.

Do all mammals have eyelashes?

I do not think most mammals have eyelashes.

What kind of animals does Nigeria have?

Nigeria is home to numerous mammals, mollusks, and birds. African Bush Elephants, ostriches, and babblers can all be found in Nigeria.

Are ostriches a mammal bird or an amphibian?

Elephants are mammals, ostriches are flightless birds. Mammals are warmblooded vertebrates that, with few exceptions, give birth to live young and feed them milk from mammary glands after birth. The exceptions are the monotremes (the platypus and two species of spiny anteaters) that, like the ostrich, lay eggs. However, an ostrich does not suckle its young.

Do ostriches hibernate.?


What is the collective term for ostriches?

A pride of ostriches

A group of ostrich are called?

Groups of ostriches are called herds or flocks. Ostriches generally wander around in groups of five or less, they are considered nomadic.

Where do ostriches go for migration?

Ostriches generally don't migrate.