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Yes, but currently only as threats. They have not been used in war since the 2 used to end WW2.

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Q: Are people still using atomic bombs today?
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How is the atomic bomb still killing people today?

The Atomic bombs detonated over Hiroshima and Nagasaki caused mutations and genetic defects that were passed on to children, who are alive today, and suffer complications which result in death and illness.

What was Hiroshima like after the atomic bombs?

It was completly devastated but today it has been rebuild.

What did the Japanese lose because of the atomic bombings?

The bombs destroyed two cities and millions of people died in a flash. Those who didn't die suffered radiation poisoning and today there are still people sick.

Did people accept bohrs belief?

For a while, but eventually a new atomic model came out that we still use today.

What is the deffinion of ionic bonbs?

Iron bombs are used today to separate them from atomic/flame/and smart bombs. During WW1 & WW2 there was only a need to use the terms fire bombs or general purpose bombs (High Explosive). During the Korean War, we had to separate the atomic bomb from fire bombs and general purpose bombs. During the Vietnam War, the same separations had to be termed. By the end of the Vietnam War in 1975, SMART Weapons had to be added to the ATOMIC, FIRE, GENERAL PURPOSE the accepted term for General Purpose (High Explosive) bombs came to be known as IRON BOMBS; aka Dumb Bombs.

When was the atomic clock used?

The Atomic Clock was invented in 1949, and is still used today.

Did people accept Niels Bohrs beliefs?

For a while, but eventually a new atomic model came out that we still use today.

What is B-52 used for today?

Although still capable of carrying dumb (iron bombs) bombs, it is primarily used to deploy smart bombs and cruise type missiles.

Would an atomic explosion kill all the bugs in the world?

No. Two bombs were dropped on Japan to end world war 2 in the Pacific. Hundreds more bombs have been exploded in various tests and we still have bugs today. The bomb will kill all the bugs in the immediate and surrounding area though.

How many nuclear bombs does Russia own?

Russia started testing and constructing nuclear, and atomic bombs at the end of WW2. today, they own more the 4000 operational nuclear warheads. along with a total 12000 in storage.

How strong are the nuclear bombs made today compared with the atomic bombs you dropped on japan?

In very round figures modern fusion bombs have yields in the range from 200 kilotons to 400 kilotons with a small number over 1 megaton. The two fission bombs dropped on Japan were 15 kilotons & 22 kilotons respectively.

Dalton's atomic theory is it still believed today?

of course Dalton's atomic theory is still believed today. but it has some defects, like his first postulate states that an atom is indivisible. but as you know its not correct. but the 4th and 5th postulate of his were exactly correct and are still the basis today. for a better answer please check on wikipedia.