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Q: Are there pictures of Stephen hawking before his illness?
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Did Stephen Hawking die before 2010?

No. Stephen Hawking, as of 2011, is alive.

Did Stephen Hawking study physics or invent it?

Physics existed long before Stephen Hawking.

Did Stephen hawking discover mteverest?

No, mount Everest was known well before Stephen Hawking's birth (in 1942).

What problem involving black holes did Stephen Hawking solve?

Not long before his death, Stephen Hawking published a solution to his own black hole information paradox.

What is stephen hawking's black hole theory?

The possibility of black holes was known before Stephen Hawking. Stephen Hawking's contribution to the theory was mainly that a black hole would gradually evaporate, due to certain quantum effects that occur close to the black hole's event horizon.

Where did Stephen Hawking live?

He works in loads of places!

Did Stephen hawking come up with the big bang theory?

Jesuit priest George LeMaitre developed the math for the Big Bang (although the name came later) in 1927, long before Stephen Hawking was born.

How did Dr. Stephen Hawking discover black holes?

He did not. He made some theoretical discoveries about how black holes would probably behave; but the concept of black holes was discovered by others before him.

What did Stephen hawking look like before his disease?

If you look on google images and look for him you will find he is disabled and does not look like a normal person or even disabled people he is a genius though.

Who is the smartest man on earth right now?

It is subjective to determine the smartest person on Earth as intelligence can be measured in various ways. However, some of the most commonly recognized brilliant minds today include individuals such as Elon Musk, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and Stephen Hawking before his passing.

How did Stephen hawking prove the big bang theory?

He didn't. Although Hawking has done an immense amount of theoretical work on black holes, as well as the topology of our Universe, he has always taken Big Bang Cosmology as his starting point. That's because, by the time he got his PhD in 1966, observational evidence had pretty much ruled out any cosmology but Big Bang. Hawking has simply improved our mathematical understanding of BBC.

What is Stephen Hawking known for?

His email is and his full name is Stephen William Hawking. He was born January 8th 1942. 300 years after Galileo's death. He was born in northern London. He went to collage and received his PH.D and was first a research fellow. Later he became a professional fellow at Gonville and Caius College. Achievements Many people would recognise Professor Hawking as the author of 'Brief History of Time'. Despite suffering from the debilitating illness, Motor Neurone Disease, he has appeared on the TV programmes Star Trek and The Simpsons. In terms of academic life he has contributed to our understanding of the origins of the Universe. His two main theories being that the Universe expanded from the initial 'Big Bang'. He believes that straight after this event the Universe as we know it was the size of a pea for a fraction of time. It then began expanding, and has been doing so ever since. His second, and probably most exciting discovery is that of 'Hawking Radiation'. He proposed that Black Holes existed, and that they actually emit light, before evaporating. It is thought he may win the Nobel prize for this work. Understanding the dynamics of the Universe can help us understand the big questions of the life, the Universe and everything.