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Yes they r because sometime when you're sleeping the ring taps the teeth to where you get cracks on them. And by the way, you need to treat your tongue or it will swole up like a balloon.

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Yes. They also tend to chip and crack them.

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Q: Do tongue rings wear enamel off teeth?
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If you brush your teeth in the morning and mouthwash at night will that wear out your enamel?

No, it is normal to brush your teeth twice a day then floss, followed by rinsing your mouth with mouthwash. It will not cause wear on the enamel.

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Enamel, the substance teeth are made of, can dissolve in acid. Once that enamel dissolves you can never get it back.

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The acid in the soda can wear down the enamel on your teeth, making them weaker .

Playing with your tongue ring?

Well you might want to keep that activity to a minimum. Goofing around too much with your barbell can damage your dental enamel and chip your teeth. Acrylic balls will minimize the damage but care should be taken to avoid excessive wear on the teeth.

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There are acids and sugars (not harmful) that can eventually wear down enamel and cause plaque and cavities.

What is the best body jewlerey to use for a pierced tongue?

Straight barbells. The length depends on your tongue/location. To help fight enamel/gum erosion, wear a smaller ball on the bottom than on the top. Try and get acrylic balls to prevent chipping your teeth. Don't wear a ridiculously tiny ball on the bottom or it might get pulled through your tongue. Your piercer can help you pick the right length and ball size.

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You don't. It is very bad for your health and will also cause lesions inside your esophagus and wear the enamel off your teeth.

When you pierce your tongue does it damage your teeth?

Actually piercing your tongue does not damage your teeth. However, over time the enamel on your teeth can be worn down by the constant rubbing and bumping of the metal against the back of your teeth, or sometimes the front if you are putting the ring through your teeth constantly. The best way to prevent it is to not "play" with the tongue ring between your teeth, and also try using plastic balls instead of the metal ones, which aren't as bad, but still may cause some damage.

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The stomach acids which are regurgitated soften and wear away the enamel and teeth. Possibly even encourages gum disease.

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When you gag, this causes the teeth and gums to be touched by stomach acids. The acid causes the teeth enamel to wear away thus causing tooth decay.

Does the acid in wine eat away calcium in the bones?

The acid contained in wine tends to wear away teeth enamel and even makes the teeth prone to decay. Brushing the teeth immediately after wine drinking is a bad idea, because brushing will scratch the enamel, thus aggravating the adverse effects the wine acid may have on teeth. But it cannot effect others bones.