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This decision is completely personal and no one should tell you when is the right time to stop breastfeeding. Some women stop after a few months others after years. I personally breastfeed for two full years, but I have clients and friends that breastfeed until the child was 3 and 4 years old. It is a personal decision and you should follow your spirit and your baby's personal development.

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Q: At what age do you ween a baby from breast milk?
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Will there be breast milk when the baby is born if it leaks now?

Yes,but sometimes the milk can take awhile to come out after the baby is born so don't be discouraged about it!! Breast milk does not run out as long as YOU are using it!! You can breast-feed successfully until the age of 1 but some people do it until they are 5 (do not recommend doing that)

What are nutritional guidelines for a baby?

For a baby under 1 year of age, the baby should only be consuming formula or breast milk until about age 6 months but remember if you are giving formula you need to also give your baby water because in breast milk there is plenty so you don't need to give much water. After 6 months you can introduce fruits and vegetable baby food.

How do the adaptations help the animals to survive?

Their mother's ween them from breast milk around the age of 4. The mother helps them attain solid food, but, slowly, the child fends for itself more and more. It is around the age of 7 that they begin to feed themselves exclusively.

What a have to do with my baby becaus he don't want drink soy milk anymore?

A lot more information is needed to answer this question properly; but if you are in fact referring to a baby up to one year of age, he should not be given soy milk in the first place. The current recommendation is to allow the baby to drink only breast milk or formula for the first year of life with breast milk being preferred when possible. Solids are to be added between 4 and 6 months depending on the baby's readiness, but cow's milk, soy milk, or juice should not be introduced until at least one year of age.

Why do you have breast milk at age 50?

If any one have fibroid she will secret milk

Can your 3 month and 2 week old baby take banana food with baby water?

No, that's a bad idea. A baby that age isn't able to properly digest food other than formula or breast milk.

How does a baby feed?

breast feed from early age when bigger from me

Does a girls breast contain milk even if she is not a pregnant and at what age she may find milk in her breasts?

Age has nothing to do with when a female produces breast milk, and the only time a female has milk in her breasts is after giving birth. The first breast secretion after delivering is not milk, but a substance called "Colostrum", which is thought to have more of the vital nutrients and immune boosters than the breast milk itself has. The breasts will produce the colostrum for about a day, then they will begin producing milk. They will continue to produce milk for as long as the mother nurses, but when she stops nursing, the breasts stop producing milk.

Does a girl's breast contain milk even if she is not a pregnant and at what age she may find milk in her breasts?

Age has nothing to do with when a female produces breast milk, and the only time a female has milk in her breasts is after giving birth. The first breast secretion after delivering is not milk, but a substance called "Colostrum", which is thought to have more of the vital nutrients and immune boosters than the breast milk itself has. The breasts will produce the colostrum for about a day, then they will begin producing milk. They will continue to produce milk for as long as the mother nurses, but when she stops nursing, the breasts stop producing milk.

You are 13 and want to experience breast feeding is this normal?

I don't see anything wrong with wanting to experience breast feeding. Do you have a newborn brother or sister or have friends that breast feed? E-mail me at Dan Breast milk is actually very unpleasant for those who have not grown up on it.Ex. If you breastfed at the age of 6months and now your 5 breast milk would taste nasty to you. Breast milk is actually very unpleasant for those who have not grown up on it.Ex. If you breastfed at the age of 6months and now your 5 breast milk would taste nasty to you.

Which teeth do baby's have at the age of 2?

milk teeth

How does milk get formed in breast?

I'm sure they start their growth from the age of 8-18