

Best Answer

At the approximate temperature 104.47 °F (313.41 K).


First, take the conversion formula
K = (F + 459.67)*5/9

and make equation, which suits to our purposes.
F*3 = (F + 459.67)*5/9

solve the equation

F*3 = F*5/9 + 255.37
F*3 - F*5/9 = 255.37
F*(27 - 5) = 2298.33
F = 104.47

Let us check the result at

Well, 104.47 on Fahrenheit is 313.411 on Kelvin

313.411 / 3 = 104.4703

All right !

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Q: At what temperature will a reading on the Kelvin scale be three times the reading on the Fahrenheit scale?
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Is kelvin a temperature?

Yes, Kelvin is one scale for measuring temperature, like Celsius of Fahrenheit.

What 3 temperature scale?

Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin

What kind of temperature scale does temperature use?

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-460 degrees what sacle is Fahrenheit celsiusor kelvin?

The lowest possible temperature on the Celsius scale is -273.15 degrees Celsius. The lowest possible temperature on the Kelvin scale is 0 degrees Kelvin. Therefore the only temperature scale on which -460 degrees is possible is the Fahrenheit scale.

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For a given temperature, Kelvin scale will show the highest value. However, a given temperature will be same on Kelvin, Celcius or Fahrenheit scale. E.g. At the freezing point of water, Kelvin will show 273.15 degrees, Celcius will show 0 degrees and Fahrenheit will be 32 degrees. That means, at freezing point of water = 00C = 273.15K = 320F

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The SI scale for temperature is Kelvin, which you can get by subtracting 273,15 from the Celsius scale.

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310.15 K

How are Fahrenheit and Kelvin scale the same as the Celsius temperature?

No but they can be converted.

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The temperature scale that has no negative values is the Kelvin scale, because it has its zero point at the lowest possible measurable temperature (absolute zero).The similarly based scale using Fahrenheit intervals (degrees) is the Rankine scale. The Kelvin scale starts at (the minimum) absolute zero. (0 K = -273 oC)

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Celsius, kelvin, Fahrenheit