

By who and when was the crossbow invented?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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9y ago

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According to Chinese texts, the crossbow was invented by a man named Ch'in in the state of Ch'u in the year 700 B.C.

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Q: By who and when was the crossbow invented?
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Where in china was the crossbow invented?

the crossbow is aawsome

When was the first crossbow invented?

it was invented in 1948.

Why was the crossbow made?

Mainly, the crossbow was invented to protect those of China.

Who invented the crossbow in china?

According to Chinese texts, the crossbow was invented by Ch'in of the state of Ch'u in 700 B.C.

When was the crossbow introduced?

Crossbow was invented in ancient china and was introduced to Europe about 1226.

Which dynasty was the crossbow invented in?

the crossbow was thought to be invented in china but actually, the Chinese stole it from the viatnamese! however, we do not know if the viatnamese invented it or if they stole it from someone else!

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When was the Chinese Crossbow invented?

678 b.c

Who created the crossbow?

It was invented in ancient China.

Why was the crossbow invented?

It was a good tool for war.

What is the smallest crossbow ever?

the Gastraphetes is the smallest ancient crossbow. it was invented by the Romans and was 1 foot long.