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No it can't cure genital herpes.

There are ayurvedic remedies such as Hyperisince, Alklearize, Alkoolize and Visarpa clay. These remedies increase your immunity and give you freedom from outbreaks, without any adverse effects.

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Q: Can Ayurveda medicines cure genital herpes?
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What type of category is genital herpes?

I'm assuming the question refers to Genital Herpes. Herpes is officially labeled as a Virus, and being a virus it is officially known to have no cure.

What are facts about genital herpes?

Genital herpes is a common sexually transmitted infection caused by the herpes simplex virus. It can be transmitted through oral, vaginal, or anal sex with an infected person. Symptoms can include painful sores or blisters on the genital area, flu-like symptoms, and itching or tingling sensations. Treatment focuses on managing symptoms with antiviral medication and practicing safe sex to prevent transmission.

Can homeopathy cure herpes?

Homeopathy has a specific theory of sexually transmitted diseases, and refers to genital herpes by the name 'figwarts', because they are shaped like figs. Most homeopaths will claim to have experience curing genital herpes, and many people have found STD conditions cured by homeopathy. One of the main homeopathic medicines for genital herpes is Thuja, available in any natural foods store. Claims notwithstanding, there is no hard scientific evidence that homeopathy has ever cured ANYTHING, let along genital herpes which has no known cure. (I'm not saying that homeopathy is, necessarily, worthless, just that there's no proof that it isn't.)

Can urine cure a cold sore?

No. If it did, genital herpes would get better a lot faster.

What's Genital herpes?

When You;ve Been Sleeping with People that have Genital Herpes, Has warts growing on there privates . No, Genital Herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus that is contracted when you have any sexual contact with a person including sex, masturbation, or kissing. Medicine can shorten or stop outbreaks for a period of time but it can not cure herpes.Genital herpes is a viral infection caused by being infected by the HSV-2 virus.Genital herpes is a viral infection from the virus HSV-type 2 that may cause painful sores in the genital area.gential herpes means your gendar and herpes that are on your body on your leg and down

Is vitiligo on lips curable?

Yes. it can be cured only by using natural medicines. Modern medicines cannot cure vitiligo from within. Ayurveda uses natural medicines so that the disease can be cured from within. From my personal experience ayurveda is the only form of treatment which is 100% effective for vitiligo. Ayurveda guarantees that once your disease is cured, it is cured forever. Some ayurvedic practitioners in kerala, india, has got some ancient medicines which were used effectively about hundreds of years ago.

What are the dis advantages of Ayurveda?

The only thing is that medicines take a month to cure. but it is better that u cure blood pressure in one month than taking a pressure pill for a lifetime without any cure. ayurved rocks.

Is vitiligo curable in starting stage?

Yes. trust me, vitiligo is curable in any stages. it can be cured permanently by using natural medicines. Modern medicines cannot cure vitiligo from within. Ayurveda uses natural medicines so that the disease can be cured from within. From my personal experience ayurveda is the only form of treatment which is 100% effective for vitiligo. Ayurveda guarantees that once your disease is cured, it is cured forever. Some ayurvedic practitioners i

What type of Medicine required for leukoderma?

leukoderma can be cured only by using natural medicines. Modern medicines cannot cure leukoderma from within. Ayurveda uses natural medicines so that the disease can be cured from within. From my personal experience ayurveda is the only form of treatment which is 100% effective for leukoderma. Ayurveda guarantees that once your disease is cured, it is cured forever. Some ayurvedic practitioners in kerala, india, has got some ancient medicines which were used effectively about hundreds of years ago.

What are some treatments for vitiligo that don't require surgury?

vitiligo can be cured by using natural medicines without any surgery. Modern medicines cannot cure vitiligo from within. Ayurveda uses natural medicines so that the disease can be cured from within. From my personal experience ayurveda is the only form of treatment which is 100% effective for vitiligo. Ayurveda guarantees that once your disease is cured, it is cured forever. Some ayurvedic practitioners in kerala, india, has got some ancient medicines which were used effectively about hundreds of years ago.

Can ayurveda cure autism?

No - autism is a neurological condition, there is no cure.

Can sage cure herpes?

Sage can't cure herpes.