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Under any law drinking and driving is simply put just that, drinking and driving.

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Q: Can I be charged fro drunk driving if no blood test has proven my guilt under Scottish drink driving law?
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What is the exact definition of DUI in terms of blood alcohol levels?

The blood alcohol level allowed by law varies depending where you are in the world. The highest blood alcohol level allowed is 0.08. If one is caught driving with a blood alcohol level higher than this, they could be charged for DUI or Driving Under the Influence.

When was Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service created?

Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service was created in 1930.

In Schmerber v. California the Supreme Court when police ordered a doctor to draw blood from a suspect charged with drunken driving.?

had no objection (grad point) ;)

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Some people believe magnetic copper bracelets repel arthritis but it has not been medically proven. The magnets in the bracelets are said to attract and repel charged blood particles.

What Scottish foods are healthy?

I am scottish - Porridge is especially good for one - it helps to regulate blood sugar levels and is thought to help with reducing blood cholesterol.

What are the current laws about DUI?

The law for DUI states that if you have an blood alcohol of .08% or greater you are driving drunk. You can be arrested, charged a fine (depending on the state and local laws the price can vary) and have your car impounded.

What are Scottish midges?

Tiny flies that bite people to drink their blood.

Is blood combined physically or chemically?

physically charged

What foods are proven to lower blood pressure?

Foods that are proven to lower blood pressure include dark chocolate, garlic, yams, lima beans, beets, kiwis, broccoli, tomatoes, carrots, and strawberries.

Does marijuana in blood stream interfere with medical tests for other conditions?

It has been proven that marijuana in the blood stream will not interfere with blood tests.

What does 'sovereign's blood' mean It came from a 19 century Scottish short story and the context is 'a tale of love was told her by a noble lover and of her sovereigns blood'?

The 19th century Scottish short story is referring to the blood of kings and queens when it mentions "sovereign's blood." Not only is her lover noble, but she is thought to be as well.