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Yes, as long as you are a registered to voter, you can vote in the presidential election, even if you did not vote in the primary election. If you have not registered to vote yet, the deadline is 30 days before any election. If you miss that deadline, you can still register and vote in the election by late registering at your county election office.

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Yes, you can still vote in the presidential election even if you did not vote in the Montana primary election. Primary elections and general elections are separate, and not voting in the primary does not disqualify you from voting in the general election.

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Q: Can I vote in presidential election if I did not vote in Montana primary election?
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I know for a fact in TN you can vote for the general election and not have to vote in the primary election. I think it is that way everywhere, because the presidential election is very important and more people turn up to vote for it. I heard on the radio that this was one of the worst turn outs for voting in history. I think everyone is saving their strength for the general election.

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A primary, or primary election, is the election in which voters decide which of the candidates within a party will represent the party in the general election. So basically, when people vote on who will run for the democrats during the presidential election, it's a primary election. Voting on the actual president would be the general election.

Can a registered democrat vote republican in Pennsylvania presidential election?

Yes, you can. I found this in "Virginia is an Open Primary state which means that any registered voter in Virginia can vote in either a Democratic or Republican primary. When both parties are holding a primary election, you will be asked which primary you want to vote in when you check in to vote with your photo ID."

At what age are you allowed to vote?

You are eligible to vote in the US when you turn 18. If you can vote in a presidential election, you may be eligible to vote in the primary, even if you are 17.

What does an open primary mean?

An open primary means that anyone of any party, including Independents, can vote in that election. The Presidential Preference election requires either Republican or Democratic party affiliation.

In any state do you have to vote in the primary election in order to vote in the presidential election in November?

No. While exercising your right to vote more often than every 4 years is awesome, you don't have to vote in any one election to qualify to vote in the next one. If anyone tried to prevent you from voting on the basis of your voting history, they are violating your right to vote. You should calmly state that it has no bearing on your right to vote today, and that you intend to do so. If the person continues to obstruct you, call your local officials and insist that you be allowed to vote. Anyone who tries to stop you from having a voice probably doesn't have your best interests at heart.

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If you don't vote in the Primary election in Texas can you vote in the Primary Runoff Election?

Yes! you may vote in the election in November, theese are two different elections one election you are voting for a party candidate for the election in November. But in November you are voting for the president. As this is a very difficult desicion one does not weigh on the other and our great country and its democracy allows you the free right to vote. As implemented in the bill of rights

Do the electors vote and then they decide who gets the electoral vote for that state?

The electors in each state are elected by the popular vote in the presidential election and swear in advance to vote for the presidential candidate who wins the election in their state.